Matching 2d export from SU to shaderlight render?
I have just worked out from this thread how to create a depth map from SU using Fog (thanks!).
I just wondered if there is a way to get a perfect match between my Shaderlight render (set at 1920x1080) of a scene and what I get from exporting a 2D raster directly from SU. I know I can go into options and deselect 'Use View Size', and change dimensions in the box, but the aspect ratio is still determined by the SU window. It is not easy to match the 16:9 by changing the window size. I am not sure if unlinking the width and height in the Options dialogue is distorting the image or just changing the extents... Either way, it seems I have to eyeball the overlay of the two layers in Photoshop, which is not ideal.
Is there a trick I am missing?
It would be easiest to make the render at the proportions of your SketchUp drawing view size. Then you can make your image export from SU and overlay them perfectly. Crop to the desired proportions in your image editor.