[Code] Quick Reference Card in a WebDialog
@thomthom: Fixed OP code post per your good advice.
@others: This code is really a test to see how the WebDialog handles both local and remote PDF documents without a wrapping HTMl page. (Just letting the browser control load the PDF viewer.)
(1) The reason I have a check for a local PDF file, in the localized resource directory, with the exact filename "QuickReferenceCard.pdf", is because that was what was designed into SketchUp via:
which opens the file using Adobe Reader, if it exists, and displays "Cannot find file.." messagebox if it does not.
Apparently, they were planning on having multi-language "Qcards" but never got beyond creating just the English edition.(2) There is really a problem remotely accessing the PDFs on the download.trimble.com site because of the expiration and unique signature fields.
Even on PC, it loads the first time in a session, but not if you close the dialog, and re-open it.Likely it will work faster if the file is local.
They can be downloaded here:
No easy way via the API to download and save a file into the local resources folder. (Basically a bad idea, because this is an application "owned" folder.)(3) Not going to create a plugin from this... just testing. Perhaps Alex or someone else who already has a Help/Reference extension, can add this feature in.
(4) Also.. too bad the card is not in HTML, or a translator could translate it.
(And it could be updated to say "Trimble" instead of "Google".) -
@driven said:
coming up blank, but no errors,
if I linefeed the path bits and the WD bits, it appears in a pdf reader view... like it should.can't see why it's not running when intact?
Well for a local file, do you need to prepend "localhost://" or "file://" on the Mac ?
IE, we might need to insert a conditional for Mac that prepends whatever is needed.I think the remote problems are in the way that the download site is set up. If the PDF files were just in a directory allowing ftp access, there would not be a problem.
@dan rathbun said:
(1) The reason I have a check for a local PDF file, in the localized resource directory, with the exact filename "QuickReferenceCard.pdf", is because that was what was designed into SketchUp via:
which opens the file using Adobe Reader, if it exists, and displays "Cannot find file.." messagebox if it does not.And you like it in a separate window (rather than a child window that is always on top,) the equiv. for the integer action would be something like:
So on my machine where Chrome is my default browser:
... opens it remotely but in a Chrome tab. -
Thanks for the tip! I should really add it to the RCE.
With regards to loading from web failing: Have you tried adding a random number parameter to the end of the URL, so that it doesn't get cached by IE? As in: http://dl.google.com/sketchup/gsu8/docs/en/SketchUp8RefcardWin.pdf?p=randomnumber
No I did not try that.
Did you open IE and paste in the url, so you can see the hidden input fields ?
Retested latest version [with TT's bit] and it all works on my mac...
john -
@slbaumgartner said:
John, do you have a custom WebKit installed? Or some kind of PDF viewer plugin?
Are you insinuating that I may have tampered with my SU instal;)
I have the standard WebKit
SU WebDialog doesn't seem to use Safari's
WebKit built-in PDF
— from file “”.
MIME Type Description Extensions
application/pdf Portable Document Format pdfbut instead seems to be using
Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in
Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in for Web Browsers, Version 9.5.2 — from file “AdobePDFViewer.plugin”.have a look what yours are...
html=%q( <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Installed Plug-ins</title> <style type="text/css"> body { color; #555; } div#margins { margin; 5%; } div.plugin-name { margin-top; 2em; margin-bottom; 1en; font-size; large; font-weight; bold; color; black; } table { background-color; #F5F5F5; color; #222; font; message-box; width; 100%; border; 1px solid #222; border-spacing; 0px; } th { text-align; center; font-weight; bold; background-color; #CCC; } th + th, td + td { border-left; 1px solid #AAA; } td { border-top; 1px solid #AAA; } th, td { padding; 3px; } td.extensions { text-align; center; } th.MIME-type { width; 30%; } th.description { width; 50%; } th.extensions { width; 20%; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="margins"> <script type="application/x-javascript"> // Localizers; Translate the title above, and these six strings, and leave the rest of the file intact. var InstalledPlugIns = "Installed Plug-ins"; var BetweenDescriptionAndFilename = " — from file “"; var AfterFilename = "”."; var MIMETypeColumnHeader = "MIME Type"; var DescriptionColumnHeader = "Description"; var ExtensionsColumnHeader = "Extensions"; // Now the code. navigator.plugins.refresh(false); // Supposedly helps if new plug-ins were added. var plugins = []; for (var pi = 0; pi < navigator.plugins.length; pi++) { plugins.push(navigator.plugins[pi]); } plugins.sort(function(a, b) { return a.name.localeCompare(b.name); }); for (var pi = 0; pi < plugins.length; pi++) { var plugin = plugins[pi]; document.writeln("<div class=\"plugin-name\">" + plugin.name + "<\/div>"); document.writeln("<blockquote>" + plugin.description + BetweenDescriptionAndFilename + plugin.filename + AfterFilename + "<\/blockquote>"); document.writeln("<table class=\"types-table\">"); document.writeln("<thead><tr>"); document.writeln("<th class=\"MIME-type\">" + MIMETypeColumnHeader + "<\/th>"); document.writeln("<th class=\"description\">" + DescriptionColumnHeader + "<\/th>"); document.writeln("<th class=\"extensions\">" + ExtensionsColumnHeader + "<\/th>"); document.writeln("<\/tr><\/thead>"); document.writeln("<tbody>"); for (var mi = 0; mi != plugin.length; ++mi) { document.writeln("<tr>"); document.writeln("<td class=\"MIME-type\">" + plugin[mi].type + "<\/td>"); document.writeln("<td class=\"description\">" + plugin[mi].description + "<\/td>"); document.writeln("<td class=\"extensions\">" + plugin[mi].suffixes + "<\/td>"); document.writeln("<\/tr>"); } document.writeln("<\/tbody>"); document.writeln("<\/table>"); } </script> </div> </body> </html> ) dlg = UI;;WebDialog.new("Instaled_Webkit_Plugins", true, "ISP", 739, 641, 150, 150, true); dlg.set_html(html) dlg.show_modal
sorry for the detour...I just disabled 'Adobe Reader' and it doesn't 'list' the alt "webKit PDF plugin", but it did open in it,
and it includes the option to open in Preview.app, from which I can 'save as' at the 'correct' local path.if I then add, as suggested...
@@qcard.set_file( "file;///" + @@qcard_path )
it is working locally and I don't get the 'access denied' if I do a manual reload of the page...
on my mac your test now appears to be functional.
john -
OK so, ... to display PDF in a WebDialog (on either platform,) the user must have installed Adobe Reader plugin for their browser ??
IF true.. (for the case of a "qcard",) it might be easier to convert the Quick Reference Card to HTML. (Which can be translated more easily?)
This test was really about displaying PDFs in a WebDialog, and I used the "qcard" as the test file.
Maybe the conclusion is that PDFs are problematic ??
@driven said:
@slbaumgartner said:
John, do you have a custom WebKit installed? Or some kind of PDF viewer plugin?
Are you insinuating that I may have tampered with my SU instal;)
I have the standard WebKit
SU WebDialog doesn't seem to use Safari's
WebKit built-in PDF
— from file “”.
MIME Type Description Extensions
application/pdf Portable Document Format pdfbut instead seems to be using
Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in
Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in for Web Browsers, Version 9.5.2 — from file “AdobePDFViewer.plugin”.Nice plugin scanner, John!
I got
Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in for Web Browsers, Version 9.0.0 — from file “AdobePDFViewer.plugin”.So maybe there's a version sensitivity involved? In any case, it seems to support Dan's feeling that PDF display via WebDialog is not reliable from machine to machine..