Component list
I don't understand what you are referring to? Do you want to see the components that are in your model? Or somewhere else? What do you mean by "whith out clicking on a particular compont and having to read it out of order"?
It seems that the only way to get information about a component is to click on it and then go into entity info. But I want a list of all 123 components so I can check the attributes 1 by 1 in order.
What attributes do you want from the components?
Did you try Window/outliner?
I was going to suggest the Generate Report function.
Thanks for the answeres. I was using cutlist and it kept bringing up components that were not there. It turns out I did a rooky mistake. I hid some of the components. Then eraised sections of my modle forgrtting to unhide. After making changes to the design I came up with studs inside of studs etc. after I evenually hit the unhide button. So when I selected all Cutlist listed everything....was trying to see if there was a way to check all the components on a list against what I show on the screen (if that makes sense)
I see. It sounds like you've got some sloppy modeling to fix. An explanation of that would have been a big help from the beginning.
So the Outliner would be a good place to start. You'll be able to discover nested components. The problem is, it won't show you loose geometry inside a nested component/group. The cutlist would be a good tool for troubleshooting. You can see what gets listed and check dimensions to see if they make sense for what they are supposed to be. If you have a stud component that ought to show as 1-1/2 x 3-1/2 and it shows as different, you know to go looking at that stud.
Set your precision as fine as it will go for the units you are using so you can more easily detect dimension problems. I work in Fractional with precision set to 1/64". I never intentionally make any dimension come out to some 64th of an inch but if I see a 64th in the cut list dimensions, it raises a red flag and tells me I need to check it.
By the way, why not update your profile to include the SU version you are using and your OS. That'll help us help you.
OK Thanks!! I haven't gotten into outliner yet guess I am going to have to! LOL I'm still muddling through but I try to do things one at a time so I don't get brain burn lol
Outliner is a very handy tool. Especially when your model starts to get complicated. It is important to work as cleanly as you can because sloppiness and bad practices will come back to haunt you later.
One note about Outliner. Don't leave it open when you close SketchUp. At the very least, roll it up before closing.
Got ya! thanx