Always did have problems with the authorities
the government is broken.. it's seriously broken (well, it's running perfectly well for a handful of people)..
how can a broken government fix a broken society?
it can'tand society can't fix the govt..
and we can't fix the society because we're too consumed with abortion and guns and terrorists and gay marriage and flyover states and race and god and all sorts of other crap..
i mean.. nobody likes anybody.. that's why we're broken..
start fixing that then we could start fixing the government
then the govt can start fixing society..
then repeat.. that's the cycle that needs to happen -
Name any society that hasn't attempted to grow in size and power. Name any society that hasn't conducted war. Name any government that hasn't become increasingly protective of itself. Name a government that hasn't fed itself more money for personal and national use while failing to understand and becoming out of touch with the populace it is intended to govern. Name a society where those with wealth do not seek to increase it, hoard it, at any expense; even their own demise or the demise of the masses.
The problem is humanity. Empires are created. Empires fall. Dress them up with whatever title you want; dictatorship, commune, kingdom, republic. If any if them actually worked, they'd still be around. Our current society is a finite era. Who knows how it will end.
The problem is that the people in power aren't going to shift to any policy that cuts their pay or the profits of those who control them (wealthy/big business), vote themselves out of a job with term limits. They certainly aren't going to boot the lobbyists that fund their campaigns.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
DOF........seems a bit off?............Green screen maybe?
Barrel's got a hole in it too. Shouldn't be any smoke coming out the top.
@escapeartist said:
Barrel's got a hole in it too. Shouldn't be any smoke coming out the top.
Hole in barrel is to lessen kick.usually on high powered rifles.
You are referring to a recoil arrestor, of course, which can be set to reduce recoil and/or muzzle rise. Looking at the pic, I've never seen one 4" from the end of the barrel that in this case appears solid, nor are they generally installed on break-barrel shotguns.
A little poking around seems to indicate the photo is real, but I just don't get the gun setup. But then, I live in a gun-unfriendly state near an even more gun-unfriendly metro area and am completely out of the loop as far as the latest shooting sport tech goes. Haven't gone shooting in a decade.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Jeff Hammond...........long lens..
Why a long lens.........?
long lens because
• dude is shooting a gun so i assume the photographer chose to be far away..
• it's flat.. you can't really tell how far he is from the trees.. that's another issue with shooting long lens.. depth perception gets lost..
• the photog probably wanted the fastest shutter speed possible in this situation so he/she as opened up the lens..
so assuming it's a 400mm lens at f/4 and focused from 40' away, you're left with only 9" DOF..point being, it's not even iffy as to whether or not that could be a real photo according to it's DOF.. it's 100% possible to make that photo with a camera.. (and actually, in this situation, it would be nearly impossible to make it notlook like this..
Once again you misread, it is skeet not veep.