First dynamic component
Happy Xmas to all and can I ask for some help? I'm designing and building six spinning mules/weaving looms for a period TV drama. It's a cool challenge, we have only a few photos as reference and a very limited time. In one week we have already built a prototype and there is no way we would be that far without SketchUp. The production team I am working with are amazed by it. There is an attachment below of one of the carriages used in a spinning mule that I have drawn up. My problem is that, I keep getting asked to change the width. Would this be easier if it was a dynamic component? Everything is grouped and so I either scale individually or where there are notches in the front face, I chop a section out or add an extension and stitch together. I've looked at a load of tutorials but cannot get components and sub-components to work so that I can stretch the width but so that the sides with wheels remain 2" thick. Thanks for any advice!
I'm not familar with DC, but another solution would be the "stretching with orientation of scaling box" tool from FredoScale, where you can choose a plane for stretching...
If you don't see the "magic grid", it's hidden in the right click menu...
Just looking at this, it seems the width can be increased by the move tool--with the right separation of parts. The wheels and other end parts can be moved as groups and the cylinders and flat parts spanning look like they could be extended by entering the group, then selecting and moving the end faces.
But Fredoscale is great especially for stretching to target. Only be sure to save beforehand, and sometimes nested components don't behave.
Thanks Cotty! Thanks Pbacot! Both great suggestions. I think I might be better following your advice rather than getting bogged down with DC right now - deadlines etc!!
Thanks again & best wishes!!
@pbacot said:
Just looking at this, it seems the width can be increased by the move tool--with the right separation of parts. The wheels and other end parts can be moved as groups and the cylinders and flat parts spanning look like they could be extended by entering the group, then selecting and moving the end faces.
expanding a bit on the move tool.. the fastest way to do this would be something like-
•group the entire end assembly (i.e.- two groups.. one on the left side and one on the right)
•keep all the cross members as raw geometry (no groups/components)
•window select (left-to-right).. include one of the groups and all of the ends of one side of the cross members
•use the move tool one time to change the's a lot faster to actually do it than to type it
...two mouse clicks (once to select & once to move) and your done
Thanks Jeff. Much appreciated.