Search Results in 3D Warhouse limited to 2500?
When I search for models, I get lot's of results,"Searching for 3D for example".. but - the Search results is limited to 2500 in the 3d warehouse when there is more then 2500 result? Is there a way to fix it?
Have you ever browsed through 2500 results?
It could have technical reasons. A google search with reasonable criteria can also give some statistics.
This doesn't seem like a SketchUp bug to me.
2500 is still better than 800 - which used to be a limit in the past. It is definitely not a "bug" but a built in "feature" (for some unknown reasons)
So nothing broken, nothing to fix. Not a bug.
Yes, after that. I added 1 more modle to the keyword 3D "Making it 2501", but only 2500 shows when I cycle through the results to the end.
@aerilius said:
Have you ever browsed through 2500 results?
It could have technical reasons. A google search with reasonable criteria can also give some statistics.