Cannot draw soft edges
I did draw many soft edges, while I corrected rounded corners on object. Later suddenly the tool stopped working and it draws only hard edges, anywhere. I§d stress a lot with it, but nothing helped.
BTW: Did you change icons which are on post page. Why they are gray?
Select the edge(s) then entity info / soften.
OP is trying to use the Pen tool that draws soft edges.
Rumcajs, Try posting in the thread for the plugin for best responses.
Or draw the line, then select the ERASER tool. With thumb holding down the <CTRL> key, click the eraser on the line. It will become soft and smooth.
If you hold both <CTRL> and <Shift> keys, a smooth, soft or hidden line becomes hard.
Thanks. This one was quite [highlight=#008000:39tvc7vr]helpful![/highlight:39tvc7vr]