Kitchen with thea
Here is kitchen that I have designed ......
and my first and last thea render project..... it's toooo slow ... too slow ...
after 100 passes rendering with it's UN-BSD ( the secound one ) I got a noisy Image.. yeah .. 100 passes ... not 10~20 !! it took 7-8 hours for a noisy image ...
... so I desided to start another render with its BSD engine ... here were no niose but it's qulity was not good enough even with same setting .. it agane toook 6 hours to complete ...,,,, so I planed to do some PP and compose them .... It tooks 1 hours ...
so it tooks 3 days just for 2 images .. !!! .. with 1024 px res ....
but it could done in aboute 2 hour on my vray ... 1 + 1 hours .. not 1+1 days
another raw output .....
There is something definitely wrong here, as it simply shouldn't have taken so long.
Have you posted this over on the Thea Forum?
I would bet your time could get knocked right back comparable to Vray, and that time would be time well spent. -
@the.pjt something is certainly not right there, it hard to say if it's your render settings as adaptive BSD (biased rendering) is fairly fast (it's mostly equal or faster than vray), but settings needs to be tuned per scene or is it just how scene is build.
Unbiased rendering (TR1/TR2) is much slower by it's nature (they similar to maxwell), so 7-8 hours render time is possible, but that up to used hardware.
Still you seem to have excessive amount of noise comparing to render passes. Perhaps your light components to intersect with surrounding mesh, that can result noise. Make sure that mesh emitters or spot/point lights (set small enough soft shadow (m)) have some distance to nearby mesh.
You really should register or update your Thea render account status to licensed user in Thea render forums, we can continue there in greater detail. Specially as you are posting non watermarked renders (indicating that you should have a licensed copy of Thea render). -
The render colors, light and composition are good, but it looks like you are using an exaggerated DOF and so the final renders look like pictures of miniature models.
Maybe this is also contributing to render time?
I suspect it has to do with your version of Thea, it may be a pirated version. I heard there are a few "Easter eggs" embedded in those pirated versions, like the issue you have.
Also a dead give away is you registered here with same details as you did at that pirate site.
thanks for your feedback ..... it fixed...
an IES light was intersecing with faces ... -
the result?
Looks like it'd be a killer render