Multiple Texture Layers on a Single Face
Hello All,
This may be a dumb question, so excuse me if it is, but is there a way to add multiple textures to a single face? Layering textures? My example would be if I want to have a brick texture as a background, but would also like to add features such as a door or window. I was thinking of making a texture that had a door and two windows and saving it as a PNG to have transparency, but this over rides the background brick texture. I know I would add the door or window as its own face, or I could make a texture that had the bricks, door and windows all together, but I am looking at setting up a generic texture library for urban modelling. Having a static texture would be limiting in my situation. Any help would be great.
Afraid not. Instead you might want to set up a library of cutout components for such features such as windows, doors etc.
Well Ryan, actually this would be great if you other modelling software that you can layer your materials.....maybe in the future...