Thanks for explanation. I just wanted to say that I had seen the images before. But probably I was wrong and confused. It had to be in the Adding material dialog box
I is possible to cut material (texture of image) when it is already applied on object? I mean, I can go to external editor from local menu, when I use Paint Bucket, but if I save it, will SU recognize that he has to change to position of the texture on every face of object?
Right click on a face and "Make texture unique". Now it will make a single material of anything that covers that face (i.e. if it is a tiling texture, it will combine those tiles into a single image etc.). You can then edit it separately.
OK. But I think I will wait with it because, I should to edit colors and then to make the unique textures, otherwise I could not do it later if there is many faces.
As we talked about sandbox, I checked again the "Install extension" button in my SU, and I found directory with .rbs files (so these are installed). It seems that it is not possible to install these files (to open them).
Sandbox should install with SketchUp. Do yourself a favour and try to re-download/install it. It will not interfere with any other settings you have made or any external plugins you have installed.
Believe me, some of us are beta testers for SketchUp and when there are new versions to test, we keep installing them onto each other in a row. I have never had any problems for the last 5 or so years.
Are you installing as an admin?
Are you accepting the default folder settings for the installation?After it's installed do you have a Plugins folder and a Tools folder inside the specified Sketchup folder path ?
If you look inside those two folders do you have any .rb files etc ?
Can you take screen shots of their contents and post them here...You really do seem to be able to mess up at a level way above the average newbie
My OS is Hungarian and we have all sorts of fancy characters in our language (some, like Ő and Ű not existing in any other language) but if I keep the "normal" installation folders, I never have any problems.
I did not mess up anything. I sent detailed report with error message to developers, so I am not gonna repeat it here. The problem is really in path.
Is there any plug-in that can reposition textures in whole object? I mean, if I cut the texture in external editor, the positions for textures changes. And I would like to move them back on correct positions. Because the model is made from many faces it would be crazy to do it side by side. Otherwise I could request such plug-in in request section.
I've reinstalled ... Same as before. I also have no plugin menu.
Installation file contains bug which cannot install some files into path containing unicode characters. You could not have the same problem if you installed SU into default path. Now I reinstalled into different path containing no unicode strings. Well, I am not sure if "unicode" is problem, but charset problem is 100%.