Error loading sketchapps.rb
I have tried to download a few dynamic components from the warehouse and I am getting the following message:
Error Loading File load_sketchapps.rb
Permission denied - C:/Users/anono/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchApps_use/sa_log_fileI have searched the web and these forums for sketchapps.rb and have not found anything. Does anyone know what the issue is?
You use Product Connect (?). Do you use the latest version?
See this thread for help: -
thanks that seemed to do it. Something I was never aware of is that directly opening a model from the warehouse gave me this error and the DC functionality did not work. However when I loaded the same model into my existing model it worked fine. Seems like a significant bug to me. I prefer to open a model by itself and see if it is worth using before I import all the junk layers.