What is this shape called?
This the shape of a roof of a house design I am working on. Does anyone know what the correct and acurate name of the shape it is called please? Is it a polyhedron perhaps? Many thanks in advance.
I like the name Krisidious suggested.
I did a Google search with keyword "polyhedra" and did not find any specific to this form. This search brought up many visual examples on a few interesting sites. As you may be aware polyhedron means a many faced 3d form with unspecified number of faces and not necessarily equal edges.
For fun you could call it a diabolic pentabloid
Thanks for you feedback and suggestions guys
Simply "with diagonal ridge" ?
"Roof with raking verge[s]"
If you add a short length of eaves [fascia] at the bottom of the slope - as you most certainly will to make it buildable - then it still applies...
Or "Roof with raking eaves" [or "fascia"]
If it's tiled/slated then you'll have a pain cutting the angled edges.
Also if you consider it a 'sloping eaves' then remember that the finish needs to dress/overhang a gutter to catch water run-off and that gutter in turn needs to discharge into something to take it into a downpipe - so the two raking verges shouldn't meet at a point because their gutters need to arrive at say a hopper-head into a downpipe to make a properly drained and practical roofing solution. A modest width 'internal' gutter [like a half-valley] will allow the fascia to end at a point but the disposal of the water still needs considering...