Some UK/Euro Artic/Semi trailers for you all
Very very nice Paul,
Good job.
Thank You very much
Hi Paul, great work, thank you. But I did not see a working link for the download. Can you help me? Thank you, Puami
Thanks Paul real good of you
Very nice. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks very much - absolutely spot on
Great truck collection. Appreciate the work that went into it.
Thanks for sharing your work. Excellent models!
Extremely useful, thank you very much.
Thank you very much, excellent collection. I'm trying to create a collection of motorcycles, when you have, share it.
thank you for your work .)
@mike lucey said:
I hope the other 30 odd downloaders have shown the good manners to thank you by PM but if they haven't please accept my further thanks x 30 for these ill mannered downloaders.
I may seem a little peeved but I find it very alloying and frustrating when I see this sort of bad manners here on SCF.
That seems a little harsh. There may be other reasons besides bad manners for the lack of thanks, among them:
• Language barrier - some downloaders probably can't read the comments, much less compose a reply.
• Lack of familiarity with how to post messages here - for some I'm sure it isn't very obvious what to click on to start a reply, or what all the options/icons/abbreviations mean. (Imagine that you are not familiar with terms like "BBCode," html code, & so on … even if English is your native language, technical jargon may be like a foreign language to you.)
• Accidental downloads - I'm pretty sure I am not the only person on the planet to mis-click on a DL link or to mistake one kind of file for another, especially when I get to some unfamiliar site via search engine results.
• Privacy/security/trust concerns - I know quite a few people who are unwilling to register or post messages to any forums like this one because they are fearful of inadvertently revealing private information that can be used by "data mining" software to compromise their (or their family's or their company's) security.
Thank you very much! Unfortunately I have found this present bit to late. But maybe the opportunity still arises for an animation with SketchyPhysics... Please, excuse my bad English
Thank you very much for the models. They will come in handy in the near future.
Hi Paul,
thank you so much for this collection!
Very useful for sketchup works, and very useful to play with sketchup for my children -
Hi Paul,
thank you so much for this collection!
Very useful for sketchup works, and very useful to play with sketchup for my children -
Thanks (from the Colonies) Paul - didn't see these when you originally posted!
Thanks for the truck models.
These will come in handy.