Please can someone clarify LO's "associative dimensions". After a search I have read conflicting statements as to what happens when a scene is updated in LO.
As an example I can draw a rectangle in SU, say 10 x 10 and make a scene for use in LO. I can import the view/scene and dimension it. I can then drag the scene around and as expected the dimensions will try to follow it around. If I then edit the rectangle in SU, save and update, my dimensions loose their connections, they don't update to reflect the alterations to the rectangle.
On some of my more complex drawings, dimensions try to stay attached even when changing to a completely different view. Am I doing something wrong?
The only reason I think this would happen, is if you dimensioned a reference that was a scene labeled as "modified" and not the actual scene. Then when you updated the scene, you reselected the correct scene instead of leaving it as the "modified" scene. Then the dimensions, in theory, would detach as the actual scene is now different.
Thanks for the response Sonder. Unfortunately I have tried every variation I can think of using 3 new SU models but I can't get my LO dimensions to remain associative. I even went as far as reinstalling SU & LO!
I've trawlled through the LO manuals and it should work but I'm totally baffled so far as to why it wont on my system.
Trevor, if it's any consolation, I have the same issue even when scenes are not listed in LO as 'modified". Despite the results Sonder gets, it doesn't work that way for me. Along time ago I quit agonizing over it and just figure I'll be replacing the dimension if I change the model.
Thanks Dave. I'm guessing you are using feet & inches so that may eliminate units from the options? The only other variable I can think of could be tolerance/accuracy settings.
Sonder, any chance you could upload a simple SU & LO file with say a cube where you know the updates work so I can look at your setting and see if my system breaks it?
Trevor, I'm using fractional inches but yes, I think it has nothing to do with the units you are using.