[Plugin] Sketchfab uploader 1.4 - Updated
I just created an uploader plugin for the Sketchfab.com service. This makes it easy to view SketchUp models on the web interactively in 3D. Although there are other ways to view 3D on the web, I like using WebGL. Since the "official" SketchUp web viewer thingy isn't ready (yet?), this is a nice way to share models online.
You can find more information and download the plugin here:
Sketchfab Uploader Extension for SketchUp • [as]
This extension adds a menu item “Upload to Sketchfab” to the File menu in SketchUp. After uploading your model, you can edit parameters and materials, grab a thumbnail or adjust the default view on the Sketchfab website.
[as] (www.alexschreyer.net)
Hope you'll find this useful...
By the way: I am not affiliated with Sketchfab - I just like their service and they had a usable API.
AlexP.S. The 1.3 version fixes the file permissions problems that some have been experiencing. Please update!
P.P.S. (12/11/2012) -- I just updated the plugin to v.1.4.
Just updated the plugin to v.1.2. It now uploads large models and a thumbnail of the SketchUp view.
Alex -
Quick request: Could someone test the plugin on Mac with Lion? It works well on my Win7 and Mac machines but I have gotten some feedback regarding problems on Lion. Please make sure you test it using the latest 1.2 version.
Alex -
Very cool Alex, I just checked out the example on your site. It looks like a simple, useful way to show projects off.
I'm curious...how secure is the technology? Would you trust embedding a proprietary model publicly online with Sketchfab? Is there a way someone with the technical skill could extract the 3D data and recreate the model?
I'm asking because I sell 3D printed parts and would like to show the 3D model online, but wouldn't want someone to be able to extract the 3D model from the embeddable model.
You might want to check with the Sketchfab folks directly. I believe the way that WebGL works is that a Javascript interpreter displays a Collada version of the model. From what I can see when I downloaded one of their webpages, everything comes through as Javascript, so there might be a better level of security that if the Collada file were just linked (and downloaded to the browser).
Besides, when you convert a SketchUp model to Collada, you lose some information (I believe embedded data does not get exported) but it will contain all the geometry from the model.
Alex -
Thanks for the info, Alex.
Just updated the plugin to v.1.4.