Dynamic shingles
hello all,
i made a dynamic component that lays out wooden shingles. it almost suffices for my intended usage, i would just have a question - is there a way where the topmost and bottommost row could be shorter in length and placed above, resp. under the last full-size row?
PS: also, are all dynamic components so slow, or am i doing something wrong?
PPS: the component was placed at first in the upper left corner, and then stretched by handles to lower right corner (so it should have filled the entire face). why did it give me such a funny size and alignment?thank you for any answer.
there's a plugin that does this... can't remember right now. it's something to do with bricks.
@eidam655 said:
PS: also, are all dynamic components so slow, or am i doing something wrong?
You are not doing anything wrong, DC's that create many copies can get slow. It's just one of the limitations you have to work with (or around.)
I made a dynamic siding component some time ago. I have not looked at it in awhile, so it may be a little rough around the edges; but it may provide answers for some of your questions.
Krisidious: please remember ^^
Jim: thanks for the link. so far the biggest information for me was that doing it as nested components (face -> row -> shingle) seems to be much faster at big numbers than my approach (face -> 2D replicated shingle).
I think this is it... http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=29867
i updated my shingles component thanks to Jim's template, and it looks even sexier now
i still don't have the top and bottom rows, but it's getting closer, now that i know how to do it...
see attachment(s).
EDIT: i reuploaded the component, now it doesn't need to recalculate when it is moved.
revised component, now doesn't recalculate when moved around
another update, added the creation of top and bottom rows
they are created dynamically, not with extra components... i wonder what the speed difference could have been.
do we have any way of benchmarking the speed of components?
is there any way i could time the creation of the dynamic component?