[Plugin] SPGears
Yes, man ually creating the axis is easy.... but it's boring if you are building a mechanism with many gears.
I am still using SU2013, sometimes SU2014... but sometimes also SU8because it's the only one authorize to run on my office PC, who knows why...
The keypoint is I need to use MSPhysics, which does not work in 64 bit versions.
But maybe the situation changed? Does it exist a physics simulator plugin (and a gear generator plugin) for 64 bit versions? -
The plugin works, but when starting SU8 I get:
"Error Loading File MJGrundman_SPGears.rb
uninitialized constant MJGrundman::SPGears::EXTENSION"Any conflict with another plugin? I've had it on another computer before with no problems.
@dave r said:
It doesn't appear to be but who knows?
But if... someday. There are a lot of parameters here, but 2D.
@robertwan said:
There are a lot of parameters here, but 2D
It's trivial to make them 3D in SketchUp from there, though.
@dave r said:
@robertwan said:
There are a lot of parameters here, but 2D
It's trivial to make them 3D in SketchUp from there, though.
[attachment=0:6to2ga5o]<!-- ia0 -->Screenshot - 5_30_2023 , 1_15_04 PM.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:6to2ga5o]How?
Download and import the .dxf file, make the faces and extrude with Push/Pull. All fundamental parts of using SketchUp.
Makes better gear components than SP Gears does, too.
@dave r said:
It's trivial to make them 3D in SketchUp from there, though.
Yes I know. That's what I do. I was forced to look for a gear generator because I needed a rack gear.
But there is nothing like in the plugin, i.e. HELIX and BEVEL.
sketchup ta kremayer çizmek bu kadar zor olmamalıydı. çok zayıf kaldı
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@osmanoney said:
Drawing racks in Sketchup shouldn't be this hard. was very weak
It doesn't have to be hard. Depends on what version of SketchUp you are using. Your profile indicates you are using 2023 Free/Make. That version is wed based and that doesn't have any option to use extensions like this. How are you intending to use your rack and pinion? Is it for 3D printing or some other manufacturing process?
I made this in SketchUp Pro. Quite simple to model without a plugin.
3D print baskı için modelleme yapıyorum. bu arada ben yeni bir sketcup üyesiyim öğrenciyim yeni öğreniyorum. cevabınız için tşk ederim.
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@osmanoney said:
I'm modeling for 3D printing. by the way, i am a new sketcup member, i am a student, i am just learning. thank you for your answer.
Since you are new to SketchUp, I would suggest that you spend some time learning to use the basic tools. That will make it easier for you to create the models you want.
If you read the first post in this thread you will see the author's warning that the gears drawn with this extension will not be accurate enough for 3D printing.
Again, please correct your forum profile. You must be using SketchUp 2023 Pro if you are able to use extensions.