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Google's reason for selling Sketchup
Hi Everybody,
Don't know If this is mentioned here already, but I just read a article about google announcing better 3D models in Google Maps. Seems they are using planes now that take pictures in a 45 degree angle. The pics are then made into a mesh.
Google Earth to get radically better 3D images, new UI on iOS and Android
Another new feature for Google Maps
The Verge (www.theverge.com)
Greetz Pugz
I was wondering when they'd starting using this type of maps. There's several other providers already out there. Even in Norway, a local provider has had it for a few years now: http://kart.finn.no/
It'll be interesting to see how long it takes for Google to produce data for my area - it's always taken quite a while before their product news reached this region.