Ungroup - but NOT explode?
Anyone know if there is a way to ungroup groups without exploding components? Trying to avoid having to explode, deselect all, then re-select groups and explode again. Is there any way to differentiate groups from components when exploding? I use components to give me a kit list for the jobs I work on. I have had a couple of occasions where I have exploded one level too far and exploded a component because it was still selected as part of an exploded group (hope this makes sense). Basically I want to be able to explode all the groups in a drawing but leaving all the components intact.
Thanks -
Go to the Outliner and select the groups there. Then do the Explode operation. You'll easily be able differentiate the groups from the components.
Thanks Dave,
Will give that a go - not tired using outliner like that yet but will have a play with it.