Snap options in SU
How to get measure tool our any other like LINE snap to center point for example is thes ecenter point is lost for some reason??
Is there an plug in to restore our renew major snap points our may I have such plug in like in AUTO CAD when I can open with right click meny and say snap to center, snap to end etc...
Try hovering the cursor over a point on the edge of the circle for two seconds before moving the cursor to the center. It should then snap to that point.
normally it works byt after WELD... try these simple sample attached, you will se it does not work... try to draw 2 several half circles, then join them with WELD and try then to snap to center- does not work!?
So you don't have an arc or circle anymore and thus no real center to snap to.
It's not really very fair to withhold information when you ask for help.
This center snapping (or the point at center in the context menu) only works with circle, polygon and arc entities (I always keep the entity info box open BTW). With the weld plugin, you only get a curve.
There is a plugin that finds the center point of exploded arcs (or circles):
Also there is a plugin that inserts a guide point into the center of anything (in case of a circle - even if exploded - it's geometrically its origin of course):
Thanks. Center finder plug is perfect! Dave, sorry did not mean to be unfair, I just realised these during discussion that circle is actually welded lines. Just learning