SEARCHING this site effectively
I'm quite sure this is an old and tired subject and maybe one of the young-at-heart vet users can give me/us some tips on something obvious to help out in SEARCHING this site effectively.
I want info on 'plugin managers', I get results on 'plugins' and on 'managers'. I haven't been able to guess or discover the proper modifiers to use.
Any other tips? How about a sticky on effective site searching? Utterly unnecessary?
I usually search directly from google using operators.
From your example, try something like:
"plugin managers" site;
I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, but a lot of people don't know how to optimize a search.
So, go outside of this site to search this site.
From outside, your method worked fairly well, but still only returned two threads, in addition to this one. From inside, better results.
I don't think you're a smart ass for answering my question, that would be presumptuous on my part, unless you're admitting to same in a back-handed way... The 'operators' were the 'modifiers' I was explicitly looking for. I thought I had tried them but I had not; only single quotes, which were ignored.
Thank you.
You have also inside the forum itself the advanced search