[Plugin] Create Section Drawing V1.3(update Dec16.2012.)
#Select the section plane and pulldown menu "Create Section Drawing".
#And The section will be created in the component definition list of the model.
#and export to "DrawingSection" folder as skp and dxf.
#The section from solid will be filled.
#The infomation of component or group will add text to drawings.(name,and BST info)
#The ComponentDefinition named "BST_BASELINES" will add baselines to drawings.Download Version1.0:[attachment=0:jbleajfj]<!-- ia0 -->create_section_drawings.rb<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:jbleajfj]
Looks interesting.
Where is the "Section Drawing" folder? I can't seem to locate it?
This plugin create section to drawing.So the drawing of face side is not supported.
But,The door openning in center of the picture you posted weighs on my mind.
I want upload your file here.
Hi,SU Fractal.
"DrawingSection" folder will be created in the same folder with the editing sketchup model file.
Do not create new folder when it is not saved.
But section drawing is created as component definition ,too.
So looking for the component list.It will be found.Thanks.
Thank You!
Very very nice!
Hi, tak2hata:
I would like to say that this is a significant accomplishment based on what I saw in the video. I can see this as a very useful and valuable tool in a document production process. Congratulations. -
Very nice and thank you. However, when the section is created, the window that pops up indicates how long the process took and it says "Time Wasted". I wouldn't call it "time wasted". It's not a waste at all, but it is a time saver.
Thank you so much.
@tak2hata said:
Hi,SU Fractal.
"DrawingSection" folder will be created in the same folder with the editing sketchup model file.
Do not create new folder when it is not saved.
But section drawing is created as component definition ,too.
So looking for the component list.It will be found.Thanks.
I'm sorry tak2hata, I'm not following you. I looked inside the folder (on my hard drive) where the model is located ... is that what you mean?
Hi,SU Fractal.
I fixed bug about calculating baselines on mac.
This script was aborted on mac with this problem.
This version become to 1.1 .
So "DrawingSection" folder will be created.Thanks
Thanks,tak2hata very good stuff
Thank you, tak2hata, very good plugin.
@tak2hata said:
Hi,SU Fractal.
I fixed bug about calculating baselines on mac.
This script was aborted on mac with this problem.
This version become to 1.1 .
So "DrawingSection" folder will be created.Thanks
Wow, Tak2hata This is truly an amazing plugin. I can't wait to use it. The more I see plugins like this, I keep asking the question why Revit when you can SketchUp? It's plugins like this that will make Trimble proud they are getting a program that gets cooler by each user's contribution. Autodesk could NEVER say that. Great work!
hey but where can i doownload this great plugin????????????????
@nabilaaftab said:
hey but where can i doownload this great plugin????????????????
It can be downloaded in the top of this thread.Need to login this forum.It can be downloaded from my homepage,too.http://onigiriburning.so.land.to/plugins.html when you can not log in this forum.
hey, thanx a lot for ur reply. but i must have missed sth. i cant find any download link in this tread even though i am logged in. i also tried ur website where i could download some other great plugins. but i couldnot download section cut plugin...
what am i doing worng...?
@nabilaaftab said:
i cant find any download link in this tread even though i am logged in.
Go to the first post of this topic: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=402561#p402561 and find the download link at the bottom of that topic:
Sir Tak2hata you have contributed very useful plug-ins but this is off topic because i did find your plug-in multi export using the vidro. Could you please make a tutorial on exporting and adding material with vidro. i just don't know how to use the vidro renderer.
very usefull plugin thanks
first of all thanks a lot for the plugin, it is very very useful. I just have a problem: if I create a section of my drawing and export it, works fine if I open the .skp file, but when I open the the .DXF one it convert it automatically from the metric system to the UK/US units. So in the end I have a drawing that is 25.4 times bigger than the original.
I am using solidedge 2D software and all the drawings I am using are in metric system
any suggestion?
After few searching i found how to install this plug in.
Just in case, i´ld like to share with you one thing. After i install it, it didn´t work, but i found that if you have a number of complex objects, specially with hidden informations, probably it wont give you the results you expect.
Try to clean your drawing first and try again.It was a good way to rethink a way to make a clean project.
Have a nice day!