A new home for SketchUp
Wow - another late comer to this news!
For me too mixed emotions. Though in one way very excited - the "Googies" now become the "Trembles". I look at it like a share holder, one would as such have concerns if such a LARGE user base was left high and dry. User base means market base and the Trembles are surely aware of this - hence the acquistion!
The built world is all encompassing - survey and management of just doesn't stop at ground level, built works touch on this and then become part, joinery fills this space and so on! Are the Trembles looking at a picture bigger than we imagine? BIM is somewhere SU currently falls behind is this NOW where SU is headed?
I could be wrong for sure - hopefully not but the specific areas the Trembles host now seems somewhat better aligned to SU than that of Google (GE aside).
If in the least I still have SU8 - it serves near all my 3d needs and even if an underground of development continues through ruby I'm still a happy man!
My belief is that the Trembles have seen the bigger picture and are going to run with it beyond what we currently comprehend! Or is it just "christ I hope so"!
@unknownuser said:I've been to both and gotta say Boulder rocks.
if i was feeling clever right now, i'd come up with a super stupid joke about 'boulder rocks'..
but this would be one of those topics that i'd be openly hard headed and stubborn about.. it doesn't matter how logical of an argument someone may give me, nobody will ever convince me that there's a better city than nyc …
(yes tim, csaba said that.. i messed the post)[/off:20gjzyfx]
@gaieus said:@unknownuser said:
You may have Broadway Jeff, but we've got Main street
"Main Street" and "The Other Street"
[off:eewee5ag]oh hell yeah..
@unknownuser said:
Gender: MasculineUsage: English (Rare)
Pronounced: HAM-ənd [key]
From an English surname which was derived from either the Germanic given name Haimund which meant "home protection" or else from the Old Norse given name Hámundr which meant "high protection".
anyone need to buy a little protection?
i guess at first glance at trimble as a company (today is the first day i've ever heard the name), there's a sort of wishy washy taste left behind..
meaning, their website was the first impression for me and it just feels.. i don't know.. stuffy?
like a website that a bunch of engineers instead of a bunch of architects might put together? if that makes any sense..
or maybe something along the lines of how i'd expect a global shipping & logistics type corporation to present themselves..
like i said.. i don't know exactly.. just something..hopefully the new boulder offices will still be populated with those mac boys, in which case, everything should be ok
@unknownuser said:
i guess at first glance at trimble as a company (today is the first day i've ever heard the name), there's a sort of wishy washy taste left behind..
meaning, their website was the first impression for me and it just feels.. i don't know.. stuffy?
like a website that a bunch of engineers instead of a bunch of architects might put together? if that makes any sense..
or maybe something along the lines of how i'd expect a global shipping & logistics type corporation to present themselves..
like i said.. i don't know exactly.. just something..hopefully the new boulder offices will still be populated with those mac boys, in which case, everything should be ok
I agree their site could use a fair bit of makeup...
Surprised more aren't familiar with the name. They make serious survey and GPS equipment and are in the GIS and remote sensing fields.
But I gather that many other "products" are run by subsidiaries and not necessarily connected. They talk about integration but it doesn't look like the different products they have are so closely and centrally controlled, at least for now.
@pbacot said:
Surprised more aren't familiar with the name. They make serious survey and GPS equipment
they're probably just out of my league.. i'm more smalltime.. i mean, i own/use a basic transit and i can see where i'm at on my phone but besides that…
@unknownuser said:
and are in the GIS
when i see GIS, i'm automatically thinking 'these are the people that need to be converting us hard headed americans to metric!'.. a global measurement standard.. but maybe i'm just weird
@hieru said:
@solo said:
Found this on Time online....
@unknownuser said:......It’s nice to see Google moving on without leaving anyone in the lurch.
Anyone else really annoyed about this comment from Time?
nah.. the writer is just saying that he's glad google didn't just leave sketchup to die.. they at least had the decency to sell it to someone else that is interested in continuing development
(ie- the product, if left in the hands of google, was dead (and it must of been the vibe around the sketchup offices the past year or two although the users were basically unaware.. though some have speculated as much))
@solo said:
Found this on Time online....
@unknownuser said:......It’s nice to see Google moving on without leaving anyone in the lurch.
Anyone else really annoyed about this comment from Time?
Edit: I might have misread that. I assumed they were saying that 'real' modellers wouldn't use SU in the first place. Putting my paranoid tendencies in check, they could be saying that SU looks to be moving on without neglecting its user base.
I suppose we will just have to wait until the handover has been finalised.
Well, it does seem a bit slanted. But maybe the journalist(?)is unaware of the whole spectrum?
@al hart said:
@unknownuser said:
No, but I just registered trimbucation.com
How about TrimbleUp and SketchUTrimble?
It sounds like 'SketchUTremble' for the moment....
I don't personally use it, but we use Trimble software and survey equipment in our office. I haven't heard any big complaints in that regard. I'm interested to see how SU is integrated with/into Trimble's other software packages.
"The friendly place for your Trimble SketchUp needs" sounds odd. Better make it
"The friendly place for you SketchUp nerds" -
The world just doesn't seem to know what to do with 3D. Sad, sad, sad. So many missed opportunities.
SketchUp could have dovetailed nicely into Google's offerings in ways far deeper than just a tool for Google Earth, but it would have required cooperation and communication between Mountain View and Boulder, which never was to be.
Google's ad based model could have fit perfectly with SketchUp. In the late 1990s, with Hypercosm, we built a web based viewer / simulation platform and an ad server that served up advertisements while the model downloaded. We implemented web based 3D search in ways that tied together 3D models and 2D web pages together. Google had the muscle to have made 3D simulation a web supported media type. There are a zillion ways that SketchUp's mission and Google's mission could have been made to align. But, it would have required people to talk.
So long, SketchUp, it's been good to know ya.
Abe Megahed
founder, Hypercosm (1998-2011) -
Get used to the term BIM, as it looks like SU and BIM are gonna meet @ Trimble. Great news for some that have been wanting this for a while. Hopefully they keep the free version or have an optional version for the modeling masses that have no need for BIM. If these guys know what they are doing and it seems they do as I could not find much negative on them (or much of anything for that matter) they could elevate SU into something awesome with an even wider and tailored appeal which will finally rid it's distractors and software snobs.
wtf? is it april first?
Good evening, Kriss!
Hey everyone,
John and I were sitting together for most of the day, so I've been plugged into the dialogue here, and I have to say that the inspiring part of working with the SketchUp team is that threads like these echo beyond these forums. We're definitely encouraged by the confidence you all have in SketchUp, and we also understand the skepticism around this news. Ultimately, it's up to us to show you why we're excited for SketchUp's future. To wrap, I wanted to share a comment that was left on our Facebook wall, because it has really resonated with our team today:
"I think part of this worry is that users could be afraid that this move is really to compete than to innovate. Just remember those numerous plugins by your biggest fans. And because of these fans, your software has the be ability for complex modeling, BIM, rendering and animation. So, in a way it is limitless compared to the $3,000 drafting programs! Now that I think about it, what makes SketchUp so unique is that it has nothing to do with technology, it's community. People work so hard on new plugins because they believe in your software, they even offer to help and inspire newcomers. This is pride, and I recommend your team lets that become your navigation as SketchUp develops further. Good luck!" -- Christopher Vela