Sweep Issues
/Users/dustincouzens/Desktop/Sweep Issue.jpg
Hello folks...for whatever reason i seem to be having issues with the Sweep Function. As you can see i am trying to sweep a fairly straight forward profile along a path that both has a curve then undulates a little bit. The sweep function continues straight ignoring the curve or the undulation in the line???. In another image i built the shape i wish using complex Curve Stitcher, but it very difficult to work with. Any hints, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I presume by "sweep" you mean the FollowMe tool. You must select all segments of the path, and they must be continuously connected--no gaps, not even tiny ones. Then select the FollowMe tool and hover over the face to be extruded and click.
Post back if this is not what you mean. Or describe further your results. -
..and also, attach the .skp to your post if you don't mind..
depending on your desired results, you may need a plugin to make this a lot easier than using followme.