Imported cad file isn´t Perpendicular to axis
i often find, that when i import dwg/dxf file from other programs to SU,
my 2D model isn ´t perpedecular or paralel to axes ( not sure if i explain it correctly
simply, it isn´t 100% flat, it´s slightly moved to one side ( upward or downward)
is there any setting or plugin to fix this important odd effect ?
With any image or skp file (save as v6) difficult to imagine
Plugin Flatten vertices ?
Or a simple Scale tool on the all selection ?
@tibet said:
....i often find, that when i import dwg/dxf file from other programs to SU, my 2D model isn ´t perpedecular or paralel to axes ( not sure if i explain it correctly
simply, it isn´t 100% flat, it´s slightly moved to one side ( upward or downward)......
Does your default template have slightly rotated axes?
FAIK the imported DWG is according to the systems axes (and origin unless drawing origin preserved).
See if resetting the axes in your template/current drawing is possible. -
hi guys,
thanks for your invaluable help.
the original file didn't have changed axes, it happens during import between another programs too, and i can't change it any way.
"Flatten vertices" plugin seems to solve this problem without a fuss
is there any plugin to help you to move marked face into position of another face you choose.
good job guys !