Need to place trees randomly
I m preparing a scene wherein i have to place number of trees and tht to randomly so tht it will giv the feel of a jungle. is there any plugin to place trees randomly on the surface..
Also is there any way by which i can make the file light in size..cos when i star putting trees file gets heavy, i even tried crating ghost component of the tree but result was need some help in tht also..Thanks & Regards,
Mandar Karve -
Have a look there. -
use components instead of groups as much as possible, then use the "compospray" plugin, or also "make fur" to populate
If you are going to use a lot of trees then, yes, you will have problems with SketchUp. It doesn't like geometry as much as other 3D programs...mostly because it's always inferencing and native-rendering...even when you're not drawing anything.
The way to get around this would be to use 2D Face-Me trees. You'll find a number of useful transparent png images here . You can import these, and turn them into Face-Me components.If you require visuals from a high vantage point, you might have to consider getting (or making) some 2.5D trees. These are usually Face-Me also...but instead of having a single vertical billboard image, they are made up of several smaller images layered at 45 or 60 degrees, so that they still look decent from a higher vantage point.
Tom has posted some 2.5D trees on this thread, so you can see what I mean. -
Thnks Guys..
Then Just let me know how to create face me trees if i want to..
It would be gr8 help..Thnks,
Mandar Karve
I'll put a tutorial file in the tutorial section.
Link. -
Hi guys,
I was looking for a tutorial for creating face me component..if someone wanted to know tht as well then just watch video on youtube "The Sketchup Show #19: Face Me Component".. it will help if someone doesn't know how to create face me component... it helped me..
Now some one tel me how to make edges smooth in sketchup..any tool or plugin available for tht..i want to make cliff surface smooth
Mandar Karve -
I also have one - I gues after a while everyone will cretae his/her own
As for softening edges...
- select all and right click > soften/smooth edges. A dialog will pop up where you can pull the slider to the right until you are satisfied. This will soften every edge with the same degree.
- softening selectively can be done with the
Ctrl +