[solved] Material causes Bugsplat
DrivingDimensions is still a culprit that ill-advisedly affects some of the the base class/methods for group [probably copy and definition] and thereby breaks other legitimate scripts.
Could be by redefining or poorly made observers.
It's compiled so it's not readily fixable...
I have as the author to change it ages ago - but to no avail -
Hi. I'm just reading this conversation now because I'm having a similar problem. A material in my materials pallet is causing a crash every time I click on it. HOW DO I REMOVE THE MATERIAL FROM THE PALLET IF I CAN'T SELECT IT?? I don't want to accidentally select it at a later time and crash in the middle of this big project I'm starting.
You can try this.
Copy+Paste the lines of code in turn into the Ruby Console + <enter>
Recent versions of Sketchup only, >=v8Mi...
I've assumed that assume the troublesome Material is name 'XXX', edit n= to suit.
First let's set up some variables:n='XXX';m=Sketchup.active_model;ms=m.materials;ma=ms[n];puts ma;
If it returns a material [not NIL] we now remove the material from everything:
m.entities.each{|e|e.material=nil if e.respond_to?(;material) && e.material==ma; e.back_material=nil if e.respond_to?(;back_material) && e.back_material==ma}; m.definitions.each{|d|d.entities.each{|e|next if d.image?; e.material=nil if e.respond_to?(;material) && e.material==ma; e.back_material=nil if e.respond_to?(;back_material) && e.back_material==ma}}
Now we remove the material:
The material should now be gone ?
Ok I also had the same problem as the Burkhard, this time with Jasons sketchup materials for arroway which also has maxwell attributes.
I fixed the problem by disabling SUPodium. If i re-enable SUPodium without any other plugins crashes return. I am using 32 bit SU8.0168 on a 64 bit Windows 7 and SUPodium V2.