Asking for modelling help with a ring design
You can do that with the Shape Bender plugin. You'll need to scale up by 100 or 1000x, like Ogan suggested, then use Shape bender first on the short axis, then rotate the component and bend along the long axis. To make a complete circle, you'll need to make the long bend in 2 parts, because Shape bender doesn't work on a full circle...just split the model in half, then bend each part and put them back together.
Its a lot of messing around, but definitely doable. Congrats!
edit: Wyatt posted just before me...
@d12dozr said:
edit: Wyatt posted just before me...
Yes, but you provided a lot more information. I'm sure he'll appreciate the tips you gave.
While you are at it, be sure to reverse faces. Best wishes to you and your girlfriend.
Thank you very much for all your tips!
I'll be sure to check this plugin out later today and get back to you with the results.
I made this some month ago with Curviloft and Shape Bender.
Alright, now after quite a few hours of fiddeling I'm stuck again. It seems like Shape Bender is a great tool for this purpose, but I could use some help to finnish it up. I have no problems anymore to bend the straight model lengthwise:
... or widthwise:
But once I try to bend it twice something wierd happens:
You see it? At the middle of the ring it somehow decides to bend the other way. I don't understand why, and I've experimented a lot to make it work. Maybe some of you guys will have better success.
And thank you charly2008 for the curviloft plugin! I've installed it, but I don't think it will become handy until the ring is ready to make whole again.
I've attached the .skp file for easier view of the problem. Thanks in advance!
Here's another interesting problem, probably caused by the same reasons as above:
If the ring had only kept its original shape and not narrowing down the thickness I could probably have used Curviloft to close it since the "back" of the ring is completely smooth. I really hope that you can help me solve this problem.
Hi, Belaar:
It still seems you are working at a very tiny scale. Small objects such as a ring would benefit from scaling up by several hundred times. I am not sure if the tiny scale is affecting the bending, but this is one feature that you should consider. Some folks use the technique of proxy components for modeling fine detail. Make your ring a component. Move/Copy it. Scale up the copy. Make modifications to the upscaled copy. Everything you do to the big version happens in the small version. When finished, delete the big version. This is a favorite technique by DaveR. -
mitcorb - It looks like its already scaled up by 1000, so that shouldn't be a problem, but that scaling tip is helpful.
Belaar - I think you may have the order in which you're doing the bending mixed up. Also the orientation before bending is critical, and perhaps confusing. Please see the attached SU file for a better explanation - use the scene tabs to view each part.
Ok. I stand corrected.
Wow! Thank you so much d12dozr for taking your time making that tutorial for me! You solved all my problems! The ring is finally done. I made it a bit different than people here suggested because I was afraid that splitting the ring and mending it on the middle of the decoration would not only result in two mendings, but would also probably prove more difficult. I made the arc, but I made the line for it 1 mm and the radius the size of my rings diameter, which resulted in a circle with a 1 mm broken line. I then bent my shape around it and mended the small crack in the ring with curviloft. I smoothed the lines left from curviloft, and now the only thing that is tells of the mended part is a small shadow that I can't remove.
What I would finally like is for someone to have a look at the finnished ring and see if the model is broken in some way that I can't detect. I only notice the shadow, but I can't be sure that I realise the implications of it. After I get the approval here my intention is to head to Shapeaway and print it out in silver, and if the model is broken the printing might fail.
I will also post the model on Shapeway's forum asking if the model follows the guidelines for silver printing, so that's not my concern at this moment.
Attached is my .skp for the finnished ring, and I promise I will also post a picture of the ring when it finally arrives
Glad it helped, Belaar! I'm always excited to see people using Sketchup for 3D printing.
Good thinking about using Curviloft to fix the tiny bit
I'm also familiar with printing from Shapeways, and the only thing I would suggest is to add a small radius to the top and bottom edges so the final model isn't sharp. It might be easier to do that before bending.
I made a couple comments in the attached model about the smoothing and making the model ready to send to Shapeways.