Tape Measure / Guides
Tape measure / guides / protractor.
Just like in SketchUp.
So I can set up grids / guides / angles .Follow this up with reworking the basic tools to operate with the same logic / process as the SketchUp tools...
WorkPlane plugin ?
No, in SKP.
You you could have suitable WorkPlanes temporarily on 'on-layers' in a Layout viewport ? -
@tig said:
No, in SKP.
You you could have suitable WorkPlanes temporarily on 'on-layers' in a Layout viewport ?No, I want guides and ruler and such in LayOut, for use in page layout.
And I want the tools to follow the same logic as in SketchUp.
Got you.
You want guide-lines/points inside Layout.
If course, since Layout's lines [unlike SKP's] don't 'stick together' you could use ordinary lines as guides [or Scrapbook objects] that you then erase afterwards [making one infinitely long is awkward though !], you could also look at making a 'grid' Scrapbook stored object to overlay and snap to ? -
Yes, I have and can just create lines. Or pull something in from the scrapbook.
Yes, I have and can use the grid. But the grid doesn't always align to where I want it. Nor does the grid always work with margins. If it somehow self centered within the margins... that would be useful. And I don't want to jump back to settings and adjust the spacing of the grid for different uses.Imagine sitting at your drafting board.
Imagine simply wanting to quickly align something on your paper.
Imagine simply pulling out your scale, setting a tick mark from one edge, and then beginning to draw.
Or imagine sliding your parallel rule to the tick mark and then beginning your work. That is what I'm looking for. A series of tools that references the edges of your paper, and other objects, for creating construction lines / guides, etc.I think a tape measure / construction line tool would be a useful addition.
InDesign, Photoshop, etc. all have 'rulers' that you can drag into your workspace to help with alignment / sizing / etc.I think LayOut should also have these.
And the basic tools (move, rotate, etc.) - should work with the same logic as SketchUp. -
hope its comin out:) that would be a very usefull tools, hope l.o could work jst like what skp. can
this is the most obviously needed addition, to be able to lay out pages and annotations properly and accurately in professional use. cant wait for it!