Why You Should NOT Vaccinate Your Children
@juanv.soler said:
but that does not proof that it happens all the time.
I think that what we try to say, the people who are against of that action, is that it would be much better to act that way. I mean, in that case there was already an illness, polio, and many people affected, and then, they discover the right vaccine.
The case now is that there are not many people affected by an, yet unknown virus, and the Governments not only think but act compulsory over the people forcing them to be vaccinated with a vaccine that they are not clearly enough convinced, and can not ever be, just because the illness does not exists, like the polio did.
It is not rational. It is an assumption.
People should be respected.
dont you think ?Diseases ARE present, but people aren't affected by them because they've been vaccinated. We've had parent's in the U.S. who lately have refused to vaccinate their children, and as a consequence there's been outbreaks of measles and whooping cough.
@unknownuser said:
Now we are under threat...if we don't get vaccinations for our children....they are going to die.
if no one had a vaccine from now on there is no doubt in my mind that mortality rates (especially amongst the young and old) would rise dramatically.
@unknownuser said:
I have to say I am thankful at least that I have had the freedom to make these choices and I am glad you are free to make yours.
I couldnt agree more.
A bit OT:
UNICEF has a campaign (at least in Finland):
24 Euros gives vaccination against polio to 240 children
18 Euros gives vaccination against measles to 150 children
12 Euros gives an a-vitamin supplement to 330 childrenThe vaccinations are carried out by volunteers.
I donated the 54 Euros, partly because of this thread here, and I challenge you all to follow me - if you have issues against the UN, any organization promoting the health and education of 3rd world children is OK.
In my country, where practically all children are vaccinated, no child had measles last year. When I was a child, having the disease was considered natural. It has a very much larger death rate than the H1N1, and it can also damage your sight or hearing.
Bravo! Well said!!
@unknownuser said:
Dr Mary Ramsay, an immunisation expert at the HPA, said: "We are still experiencing an unprecedented increase in measles cases across the England and Wales.
"This continued rise is due to relatively low MMR vaccine uptake over the past decade and there are now a large number of children who are not fully protected with MMR.
"This means that measles, which is highly infectious, is spreading easily among these unvaccinated children."
She added: "The HPA is concerned that we may see measles epidemics take hold.
"We again are urging parents to get their children vaccinated. Although MMR coverage is starting to improve, we cannot stress enough that measles is serious and in some cases it can be fatal. Delaying immunisation puts children at risk."here; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7819874.stm
I've vaccinated both my kids with the MMR jab. Incidentally, both are in the upper streams at school, and haven't developed autism.
This is also a good site for dissipating hysterical looney bad science nonsense;
Surgeon and journalist, Dr Ben Goldacre's site is also fairly good;
very amusing reading;
Basically modelhead is saying "risk it.......expose your children to diseases that have killed and disabled millions".
Just so you can say "oh i refuse to vaccinate my children"-pathetic, keep your ill-informed stone age views to yourself. this is almost propaganda.
Good luck mate you'll need it.
To be honest I am not sure that people should have choice to not have their children vaccinated. It seems to me they pose the risk to everyone else's children.
As I am in the risk group I decided to be vaccinated against swine flue. I did it last week. If I get pig's ears next week I will let you know -
I was thinking the same thing. Though it may be somewhat weird to start rounding up people, and transport them to the nearest sportpalast for a shot.
Maybe people should be offered a choice: either a shot, or pay for, say, ten vaccinations. Either way they contribute.
the Money ¡
the System ¡
would it both or even one assure your health, and your life, ?Life is apart from those mechanisms.
Obviously money won't ensure you remain healthy. But it does help a great deal.
watch it
soon the money would not get you any advantage, fortunately. -
I'm hoping you're not implying the collapse of 'the system', and the majority of all people being hit with poverty as a result, will induce a sort of post-historian state of bliss. If anything, wealth will simply be rearranged - and not in a way that'll benefit many.
Can i be the first to call b.s? I find it hard to believe anyone has any idea whats going to happen in 5 to 10 years.
edit: beaten to it, sort of.
what i meant to say, clearly not gotten,
is that Life remains untouched by the money,
and that i sense that we are in a deep change.
The video above had the purpose to get anyone not to be so confident about what the systems of things tell us about how things work nowadays.
We are being moved to a better stage where money will not be the magic stone.
This relates with the thread in the sense of defending the people who want to act by themselves.
Sorry if it has been inappropriate -
@unknownuser said:
Apparently we have a solid inventory on all the dangerous viruses past present and future. (and Pluto was a planet just a couple of years ago) That's so funny ...funny is the only way I can describe it.
It would be pretty silly if anyone did try and claim that.
@unknownuser said:
After thousands of years in the making these dangerous viruses have decided to turn up on our watch. But never fear. We have the answer. Man, we are getting more god like by the moment. That's progress for ya.
Of course they didnt just turn up the moment we discovered vaccination, they've been around for thousands of years (in various guises.) The difference being people used to die from them. In their millions.
so modelhead: you are saying stop all vaccinations. what planet are you on?
If there was a vaccine for HIV, would you take it?
If there was a vaccine for cancer, would you take it?
Of course you bloody well would. Stop being controversial for the sake of it.
Anyway, do u even have an ounce of real medical background? This thread should be removed it's propaganda.
I don't really know what's more amazing: modelhed aproach to this matter, or we all for even taking the time to answer this...
If you said something like this specific vacine is nothing more than a way to do more money, and the normal flu kills more a year than h1n1, for example, this could have been an interesting discussion, but instead you use your "absolute truths". It doesn't really matter what we say or show because all that we have is false, but on the other hand all that you show is more valid than everyone else's stuff.
Join this with the fact that your statements affect all the professionals in the area, with you not making any exceptions, and now besides beeing stupid it's also disrespectfull. For you, all that study, work, invest time and money, or just take pleasure of helping others are just here too fool us. Guys that study years, lose time with their families to evolve a specific formula and so on are robbers, the doctors that try to use the methods are even worse, and everyone suporting are dumb.
The funny part here is you using quotes, to justify your statements, of people working in the area that you show no respect for...
So doesn't really matter what we're discussing here (for all i know we could be talking about what food taste better) because your aproach to this is "i'm right, you're wrong" and "everything i show is true, everything you show is false"...It's not really a discussion since the original post, it's your statment.
A portuguese comedian said, some time ago, something like: "the freedom of speech is great, because it let us know where the idiots are". Man, that was never more true...
BTW: my mother is a nurse,i know a lot a doctrs and researchers and seen some stuff they've made for others, and my very young brother would have died when he was 2 if it wasn't for doctors and antibiotics. I also think there's too much hype in this h1n1 vacine...but not in your way.
P.S.: If you or any of your family have a crash or something (really hope not) promise me you'll do 3 things: 1 - Call 911 for help, 2 - Let them use ther "vodoo" medicine "stuff" and "knowledge" on the injureds, 3 - Shut up, and don't share your opinion about their profession, so that you're not disrespecfull for the ones that are trying to help you or someone you know.
Because you know, there's somethings a kiss in the "bubu" won't heal...
@unknownuser said:
This thread was started to point out that the science of vaccinations is quite infantile and that you all should look closer at this science. Suggesting that you avoid the swine flu vaccine was a good way to get the conversation started.
For this sentence only i'm gonna give the benefict of the doubt in here.
"I'm starting to think people can't read."
Read all my post please. What's the focus of my post again? A litle tip: the conclusion start's with "So..."
"I have nothing against the medical profession. I have no respect for professionals that act like gods."
Have you ever consider that when you go to a doctor appointment and he recomends the X antibiotics, pill or whatever, it's maybe because, i don't know...a wild guess here, he know more that you in this matter? Study the same thing they have, have a little experience in aplying those knoledge, and then do more research about the two sides of the question to give a worthy opinion, and not another "absolute truth".
My boss had a discussion with me about design,3d,image last week (we're talking about the guy who discover that printers can't print white some days ago) because in the render i made for him, the white floor he wanted, were showing a little more dark in some areas. That areas were the zones where the shadows of the walls were falling...After speending some time explaing how shadows work (keep in mind he's an architect...) i thought to myself "whatever. It's not worth it", so i open photshop and hand painted the shadows white, so all the rest of the model had shadows except the floor that was completly white. After that he said to me "See?i was right, the floor is always like this, all white"...
Right know, you are my boss...
If you keep acting like that everyone else will do what i did: realize it's not worth it, and just say yes to everything you say... -
you are basically suggesting vaccines don't work. just because you haven't yet caught something nasty.
so you would not take a vaccine for cancer or hiv if they offered us one? that says it all really.
we are supposed to be progressing in medicine not going back!
just another example: look at all the poor kids in africa who have polio. this can be prevented...and you say it shouldn't. crazy!
why you would encourage this is beyond me:
Modelhead... Why do you try to make fun of this...
You have your opinion about vaccines - and we have ours...Don't play such a fool and pretend that you don't know why the polio vaccine haven't been distributed all over Africa...
For crying out loud... It's a developing country...I'm ashamed that you try to ridicule Oli's argument the way you do...
It shows that you have no respect...