I invite for acquaintance with Russian plug-in
@yad2000 said:
Please bring a list of documents for which you want to add elements. Now used only 2 Russian document on the piping. If you write a number of documents that you use and you can download them somewhere, I'll add them to the database to avoid similar mistakes.
I can not open the page, to download, why not posted on the website
@guanjin said:
I can not open the page, to download, why not posted on the website
Coolpipe.ru site - located in the ucoz.com - if none of the sites of ucoz you can not read - then the problem is with your provider.
@yad2000 said:
@irwanwr said:
if the plugin will be available in English version and shared here too.
if it is true.this is true, but it will probably not soon. Will take some time to create a fully functional version of the native language, only then do the translation. It is possible I will ask for help - if you do not mind
Finally downloaded, loaded error
@guanjin said:
@yad2000 said:
@irwanwr said:
if the plugin will be available in English version and shared here too.
if it is true.this is true, but it will probably not soon. Will take some time to create a fully functional version of the native language, only then do the translation. It is possible I will ask for help - if you do not mind
[attachment=0:15v5ur39]<!-- ia0 -->未命名.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:15v5ur39]
Finally downloaded, loaded errorin the file that you changed - Error!
you must:
"沿线 管道 目录 列表,
replaced by
"沿线 管道 目录 列表",
should work -
Successfully translated into Chinese, but has not been used successfully, the of plumbing tools?
@guanjin said:
Successfully translated into Chinese, but has not been used successfully, the of plumbing tools?
Normative documents only Russian. To broaden the base of the elements - I need to know what documents you use. They are very much, all I add one can not afford
@yad2000 said:
@guanjin said:
Successfully translated into Chinese, but has not been used successfully, the of plumbing tools?
Normative documents only Russian. To broaden the base of the elements - I need to know what documents you use. They are very much, all I add one can not afford
I do not know that you mean ,the file is a common indoor plumbing components
I also do not understand what you want)))
I will say this: I have now developed a new version of the plugin, which will not appear on [iconv] and [web dialogues]. The most interesting thing to come, as the plugin will look - still a secret. When will the release of do not know. Work to be very much as I want to do everything in Ruby without any HTML and JavaScript
who knows how to use the database MongoDB in Ruby for SketchUP
Time is now developing a new interface for plug-in.
Here is a screenshotI want to abandon HTML, JavaScript, CSV. I am looking for ways to solve problems with the database.
Who share the standards DIN / EN / ISO / API / ASTM / ASME?
Who shares the standards DIN / EN / ISO / API / ASTM / ASME?
For further development of the plugin. Interest standards for all items, not just on the tube. At least to start with 2 pcs. You can share the standard is not complete, but only the image and style options.Google Translator gives terrible translations)))
In Russia, the translation is: "Your - my not understand"))))
I have tried and tried to get this program to work. I keep getting the attached error. I have the file, iconv.so in the correct directory as shown.
So what is wrong, and can it be fixed? I deal with pipes diagrams and would like for this to work.
So thanks in advance for your help.
@unknownuser said:
I have tried and tried to get this program to work. I keep getting the attached error. I have the file, iconv.so in the correct directory as shown.
So what is wrong, and can it be fixed? I deal with pipes diagrams and would like for this to work.
So thanks in advance for your help.
Start.rb is not finding iconv.so is what your message says, and it needs it so it reports an error....
I'm on mac, but it looks like you need to put the missing file into your plugins folder >>> iconv.so
Looks like a very interesting plugin...
Unfortunately I seem to share the same issue as Ken...
I've never had any issue installing a plugin - before now...
I even tried to copy the iconv.so to the plugins folder, but to no avail...
OK... Tried to see if I could see something in the coolpipe_Start.rb
(yep - it's dangerous when having a very limited knowledge when it comes to coding...)
The original code looked like this:
#encoding; utf-8 ################################################################################################## ################################################################################################## # Cool Pipe Engine 2011-2012 # Cool Pipe Engine 2011-2012 to the SketchUp interface # version 1.2 # Software Author; Borisov Denis Vladimirovich (yad2000@rambler.ru) # Design; Borisov Denis Vladimirovich (yad2000@rambler.ru) # ©2012 by Borisov Denis Vladimirovich (yad2000@rambler.ru) #История версий #-v1.2.1 #-Мультиязычность проекта (русский,английский,французский,итальянский,испанский,немецкий), возможность выбора языка в процессе работы с плагином #-Расчет массы отвода (стального), расчитыватеся по геометрическим параметрам (может не соответствовать с заводским изделиям) #-Структура кода измененена; отсутствует изменение стандартных классов, весь код объединен в классы и модули #-внесено исправление по загрузке iconv.so; на MAC не загружать, только на Windows #-редактирование элементов вынесено за пределы Observer при выделении на отдельную командную кнопку #-исправлен принцип сортировки элементов спецификации на стандартный .sort (для избежания утечки памяти в процессе подсчета и зависаний SketchUP) #-v1.2 #-Изменение структуры работы с базой данных элементов #-Рисование и редактирование трубопроводов #-Рисование и редактирование отводов #-Рисование и редактирование переходов #-Рисование и редактирование тройников #-Рисование заглушек #-Рисование фланцев #-Создание спецификации #-Функция копирования свойств (слой+материал) для объектов CoolPipe и групп #v1.1 #-Следующие публикации по адресу; http://coolpipe.ru/load #-Кардинально изменен дизайн диалога с пользователем #-Дополнена база ГОСТов трубопроводов #-Рисование трубопроводов мышью #-Накладывание слоев, собственный редактор "быстрых" слоев #-Накладывание материалов (боевая раскраска трубопроводов) #-Накладывание теплоизоляции + редактор стандартных толщин изоляции #-Функция "Прилепить отвод" #-Функции редактирования трубопроводов (задание уклона или отметок трубопровода) #-Функции редактирования отводов при выделении самих отводов мышью (экранное меню) #-Функция "Составление спецификации" #--разработка прервана #v1.0 #Пробный плагин (в виде тулбара) рисующий трубы, отводы, переходы, тройники, заглушки, фланцы по известным ГОСТам #Первая публикация по адресу; http://forum.abok.ru/index.php?&showtopic=30806&st=160 ################################################################################################## ################################################################################################## require 'sketchup.rb' require 'CoolPipe/cp_Lang.rb' require 'CoolPipe/Service_proc.rb' require 'CoolPipe/PipeTool.rb' require 'CoolPipe/ElbowTool.rb' require 'CoolPipe/ReducerTool.rb' require 'CoolPipe/TeeTool.rb' require 'CoolPipe/CapTool.rb' require 'CoolPipe/FlangeTool.rb' require 'CoolPipe/cpCSVBase.rb' require 'CoolPipe/CopyOptionsTool.rb' pform = (Object;;RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/i) ? ;windows ; ((Object;;RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? ;mac ; ;other) platform = pform.to_s if platform == "windows" require 'CoolPipe/iconv.so' # применяем iconv elsif platform == "mac" # не применяем end CoolPipe_number_version = "1.2.1" # Текущая версия плагина ################################################################################################## coolpipe_plugin = CoolPipePluginApp.new coolpipe_plugin.run
So I deleted the two spaces in line 62 in front of "require"
if platform == "windows" require 'CoolPipe/iconv.so' # применяем iconv
Now I get this Load Error message:
Copy iconv.co to C:\Windows\system32
@yorik1984 said:
Copy iconv.so to C:\Windows\system32
It does not belong in the OS system directory !
if platform == "windows" require 'CoolPipe/iconv.so' # применяем iconv elsif platform == "mac" # не применяем end
Frederik has WINDOWS!
@yorik1984 said:
Frederik has WINDOWS!
and Dan is saying "DON'T" move the file into the C:\Windows\system32 system path, it won't be found and doesn't belong there...
@ Fredrick if you suspect the require is not working test it in 'Ruby Console'. e.g.
pform = (Object;;RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/i) ? ;windows ; ((Object;;RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? ;mac ; ;other) platform = pform.to_s
should return
then tryif platform == "windows" require 'CoolPipe/iconv.so' # применяем iconv elsif platform == "mac" # не применяем end
should return
if it does it's not the problem, if it doesn't, check permissions on that file... 'CoolPipe/iconv.so' in that Directory, don't move it...