Line tool question
Just wondering if there was any way to use the line tool in the same way as the construction line tool. ie pulling from an edge out onto a face and leaving a line running parallel to the edge on the face, just like a construction line, only solid?
Thanks for any advice.
Hi Steve, hi folks.
Yes you can use any geometry as you see fit.
A line is a handy reference and will even provide a stronger inference, in some situations, than a guide. It also is less prone to be deleted accidentaly with the use of "Edit menu --> Delete guides".
However, if you want to avoid any interaction of this line with your model, like cutting an edge in two parts, you can group it or make a component with it to separate it from the rest of the model.
The normal reflex is to right click on an entity to get a contextual menu and then choose the "Make group" or "Make Component" command in that menu. In the case of only one line, the contextual menu will not offer these choices since logically, grouping needs at least two entities. The programmers never though that a user would like the possibility of grouping a single entity. However, all is not lost since the programmers though about placing these same commands in the Edit Menu and to enable them even if one entity is selected.
Just ideas.
In the example you mention, Use the move tool.
Ctrl click the line and move it to the position you want. -
Or if you want some more advanced plugin with similar features outlined above, here is TT's edge tools: