Layout scrapbook
Hi, I would like to expand my scrapbook library in LayOut by adding
additional architectural symbols to it. If someone out there has created such a scrapbook would you share it with me? I'm specifically looking for sinks, toilets, bath tubs, door swings etc... Thanks for your help -
I am not using LO this way myself. My CAD program is fine. However it seems a STICKY post would be good for sharing scrapbook symbols the same way materials etc. are shared here... once someone has made the effort to make a scrapbook file.
Meanwhile I guess you need to find these objects online or elsewhere for CAD programs and make scrapbook objects of them by importing raster images.
If LO had dwg import, it'd make this sort of thing easier.
Instead of using raster images in LO, one could create the symbols in SketchUp (whether by hand or by importing CAD files from another source) and send that to LO to save as a Scrapbook. Doing it this way would leave the symbols in a state that would allow them to be edited back in SketchUp. So one could expand the initial collection of symbols as the need arises. I do a similar thing with some hardware components in SketchUp. i make what I need and modify them later as I need new versions.
I agree, Dave, especially if you don't have a better program to use. But I was thinking that the SU route creates poorer quality graphics than native LO does for linework. Text is cumbersome (and doesn't import with DWG). As for creation in LO, the drawing tools are nice, but not comparable to 2d CAD for flexibility and efficiency.
It appears that many of the scrapbooks provided were drawn in LO--or were they? Those are editable in LO, while others can be edited in SU.
In the future it'd be great if people could be using / trading Scrapbook items that are editable within LO + SU. Maybe the drawing tools will improve, or could plugins be in LO's future? I wonder if batch imports are possible too. At present it seems each symbol would need to be imported separately.
I agree that it would be nice to share scrapbooks.
As to the line quality of lines from SU to LO, the quality can be high. You can create curves with very high segment counts if you wish. Render them as Vector, too. Text could be added in LO.
It would be nice if one could just download a scrapbook but someone somewhere will have to make it first.