Cartoon making using sketchup
Here are 3 pics once stitched together demos a firing animation, the clip can be repeated for automatic fire, also have other animations for example reloading, stoppages, firing in the kneeling,standing, lying and moving positions
Second pic
And third, let me know what ye all think
Lol, everyone asks that about the legs, well i have tried animating legs and it just didnt work out so well, taught id go for the Rayman look where he had no legs, i designed the animations for both cartoon animation and game design, to be honest i taught i could create a game at first but learning c++ was more difficult than i taught so i gave up on it and proceeded to do a cartoon, not aiming for a feature length just yet, im more on the lines of developing episodes, also working on a kids cartoon baesed around Myths and Legends, not much has being done with it so far but its a concept, Dawn Of Heroes is more of an adult army humour cartoon, but with a childish look, kinda like southpark if ya know what i mean, what exactly do you mean about some SU output in walk cycle???
Well, you do not have to know C++ to make game. You could for instance use UDK or Unity game engine and make your game...
Yes I thought you would struggle with joints in SU...that is really why you need Maya... or Blender if you want free non industry standard software.
I just would like to see couple of scenes from SU, hence request of SU images. -
Looks unteresting.. I would like to see some SU output in walk cycle. BTW what is the reason for missing legs....simplicity of joint/muscle movement?
I understand you do not want to talk about catoon ...but are you working on feature animation or are these animations for some game development? -
Its funny you mentioned that, i downloaded UDK and Unity game engine, couldnt make tails end of it, lol, do you know if Characters and game maps can be imported into these game engines from sketchup????
for Unity you should check some of these UDK check this
scroll down and you will see several other links.I do not think you can import directly SU files as such though.
heres a demo of my character which i rigged last nite, just a simple test..
Heres a test clip i put together to demo cartoon animation in sketchup