SketchUp Materials LIbrary Newsletter
I have received three copies of a newsletter called Google Sketchup News.
At first, I thought it was the newsletter from SketchUp (which I never receive) - especially since it is hosted by Mail Chimp - which is in the same town as SketchUp. (Boulder)
But on closer look it seems to come from Sketchup Materials Library which seems to have a hokey page. (For instance when you click "contact us" it jumps to their home page. When you click "Download IRender for SketchUp" nothing happens.)
(Interestingly I have been read about AdSense Ready WebSites Scams this morning, and their web page seems to be one of these, rather than a legitimate website)
Did anyone else get these? Is it legitimate, or should I send a complaint to MailChimp? (I also use MailChimp for some of my newsletters)
The use the phrase "You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website..."
Note: Google Sketchup News people - If I have mistakenly criticized your site and your email, I apologize. Just add a comment here to tell me why I am wrong.