Closed edges wont make face?! and another ques..
1.I have this problem some time that close edges wont make face and Ive read in tutorial that it should
. Ive added an this for example and answer me please. 2.(not related with topic
) Is there any way that I write a command or something that movement and pushing and... be only vertical (I have a big problem with vertical and I know shift pressing and... but still).Thnx
The edges do make a closed loop but they are not coplanar which is also a requirement to get a face. If you draw a line diagonally between corners you'll get faces. It is geometrically impossible to create a face from four non-coplanar edges.
As to moving and "pushing" only vertically, this is something you just need to learn. SketchUp's inferencing and the direction lock with the Up arrow key make this pretty easy. Orbiting to a lower view point will also help.
I hope Ive got it right But why Its not possible?... Isnt it in this file Ive added?
Ali, those edges are on the same plane therefore it is possible to create a face with the closed edges. In your previous model, they were not on the same plane (this is what "co-planar" would mean).
As Csaba said your new example is different from your first. You couldn't make the shape in the first one from the face you have in the second model because the top is twisted relative to the bottom.
Thank you Guys