Roadster Update
Now that's a wheel.
Just the wheel itself woulb be a nice object for renderings
Your work modeling is faultless and I would not be the indicated to criticize it anyway ^^."The original contest car" was the base for this model?
@karinagm said:
Your work modeling is faultless
Thanks, but it's far from faultless. At least for me, because I can look at this model right now and see a half dozen things I'd like to change. And might. That's one of the big differences between modeling my usual classic cars and modeling something that exists only in my head - with a classic you pretty much know when it's done, but with a "concept" car it seems it's never really finished. This is my first experience with that, and I'm not sure if I like it or not, can be both interesting and frustrating. And this thing is just one of three designs I came up with, so triple that frustration
I think I'll just stick with my oldies, that's where my real passion lies. There are a lot of modelers making concept cars, but somebody needs to speak for the great cars of the past.
I really need to get around to making that time machine, I really don't care for today's world at all@karinagm said:
"The original contest car" was the base for this model?
Yeah, I got a little carried away. That's why I decided not to enter the contest, too far removed from the original.
This is brilliant!
Especially for me who asked for help yesterday to model a sheet of paper... -
In my humble opinion this car model is gorgeous!
I like particularly how clean curves are, also with hidden geometry shown.
Could you please give us some hints on your modeling process? I'm particularly interested on how you achieved those smooth shapes, as for example the bumper that goes from back to front in a long waved line.
Bravissimo! ^__^
I am impressed
Been doing some things to my roadster, thought I would post a few pics. Mainly work to the interior, modeled the grill, opened the doors, rounded the top of the rear fenders to better go with the shape of the front fenders, etc.
Started work on another project (like I need another one), a 72 Olds Vista Cruiser, like the one I owned when I was stationed in Tampa, Fla back in the mid 70's. It was a beauty, had it all of 7 months when a drunk ran a stop sign and turned it into an abstract sculpture
. (I watch "That 70's Show" just to see the Vista Cruiser on there. Ain't that pitiful?) Anyhow, attached a pic, still in it's early stages.
@carrozza said:
Could you please give us some hints on your modeling process? I'm particularly interested on how you achieved those smooth shapes, as for example the bumper that goes from back to front in a long waved line.
I appreciate your comments. Thanks! As far as my modeling process, when I first started out it was pretty much hit and miss, bouncing all over the place, trying this, trying that. Just like everyone, I suppose. As I gain more experience with SU I suppose I am developing a "process" of sorts, but it's still a loose one. I've got maybe a dozen models or more I'm working on right now, and I tend to bounce back and forth between them. That way I don't get burned out on any one model. Of course I tend to never finish one, either
I feel very uncomfortable giving advice, I honestly don't think I'm good enuf yet to do that. And that's not "Aw, shucks" false modesty, it's just how I really feel about my skills at this point. It still takes me way too long to get anything done. I do manage to get some things done, and people have said some really nice things about some of them, but there are any number of modelers on this forum that could do the same thing a lot more efficiently.
There is one tool that I absolutely couldn't do without, an under-appreciated little Smustard tool called Nudge. I use it more than any other tool. You should check it out, once you get used to using it you'll see what I mean.
It´s about as good as it gets
And I don´t think that the slow progress is a bad thing if this is the result.
Now could you please make a cr@ppy model so we can criticize it? -
I'm working on a convertible version, will post pics soon.
If you look close, the tail lights are varying in size. Also, the wheels look a little segmented. That might just be me though.
Dang it, all I get is criticism!! I really hate that!
Thanks, I'm kinda proud of it. Took a long time, and still needs some work, some detailing. With any luck the convertible version should be ready in a couple of months.
It looks a bit rough around the edges.
@numbthumb said:
It looks a bit rough around the edges.
Hey, I did the best I could. I had to work from memory (I couldn't afford the shoes and they wouldn't sell just the box)
Awesome work I love the details, but I'm especially impressed by that orange beast
@marian said:
Awesome work I love the details, but I'm especially impressed by that orange beast
Thanks. Mitsubishi, Honda and BMW are in a bidding war for production rights of the "orange beast". So far Honda is ahead with a $12.00 bid. I'm hoping for $15.00.
Looks a bit like one of my car designs ^^