Minus - Simple File Sharing
Minus has now updated it's site and storage limits. You get 5GB free with another 5GB from referrals. So here's my blatant referral link.....
This has unlimited downloads and 2GB file transfers.
Wait a minute, to me it said that I start with 10 Gb and can make it up to 50 with referrals. I have 11 Gb however (without any referrals so far)
Same here
Sorry my mistake. U was quoting from an older beta limit. I've been using this for awhile and your correct on the 50GB limit with referrals.
What's great is i can share a series of files under 1 link. Dropbox makes you share a folder then invite which is good. But Minus is alot nicer. The iPhone app is great and unlimited downloads makes sense.
I lost use of DropBox for heavy traffic. I think it's 10Gb per month.
Well, a bit different services for different tasks. I still like the easy update function of a shared DB folder but for image hosting and sharing for instance, Minus is ideal.
Minus rolled out an iPad app this week. So my continuing quest for 50GB of free storage continues...
Click here to get 10GB free and some for me too
So how long before the FBI takes it down?
Thanks for your info on Minus. It looks pretty good. Since I am one of those who clicked on your link... maybe you could help me with a question. I loaded the iPad version but it looks like you can't do anything with the files but look at them within the little viewer. If, instead, you use Safari on the iPad, you can put the file in "Books" and have a full viewing experience. Is this what you found as well?
On Minus you can view images, PDFs, .docs and listen to mp3.
I haven't tried .epub yet but will test to see. While Minus isn't quite there yet it's still better than the Dropbox app.
The iPad's file viewing engine is notoriously suspect. I recommend GoodReader as a total viewing solution. -
I was referring to Minus' own viewer. Once I load into the Minus app, there is nothing I can do with it. The viewer in the app is not so good. What I meant was, it appears that a better way is to ignore the app and use Safari for Minus. Then you can use iBooks or other viewers. Thanks.
Fit actual iBooks apple is doing incredible interactive content. too bad about PDF.
I agree.
The app as a viewer is poor. But as a storage medium for photos, docs and audio it's good.
I like that I can use minus on my PC to upload images via chrome extension then download to iPad and post pro snap seed or sketchbook and reupload.
As a standalone app it's pretty useless but coupled with other apps it's bigger storage is ideal.
@unknownuser said:
I agree.
I like that I can use minus on my PC to upload images via chrome extension then download to iPad and post pro snap seed or sketchbook and reupload.
That's the thing. How do you get the doc OUT of the Minus app? (into other iPad apps)