Dynamic Component Attributes Missing
not sure how best to describe. the dynamic "Component Attributes" in the Window menu is missing. i've cleared out SU8 Pro and reinstalled and then it was there. then restarting the program it wasn't there. using the Dynamic component toolbar or the right context menu, it's there. i've done this with and without any plugins added so it's not the plugins doing it.
not sure why it does this... more annoying than not.
the second part (maybe related or not) is more problematic. if i make the DC as a "group" then "make component" and use the "Save As" context menu option, then load the component, then arbitrarily some attributes have disappeared. if I Save A Copy As, the component is "masked" when i load it but if i explode it, it's normal - attributes etc. it's almost like the attributes are not being stored in the component itself versus in the whole file.
i've attached 2 files: 1) the source file containing a group and a component and a component from the group, 2) another file with the components loaded (and the group to component object failing).
DC issues source.skpDC issues components inserted.skp
thoughts? maybe even though the group can be built up as a DC, it really needs to be a component from the outset before building it.