How to create this concave face on a leg?
How can I fill in the face of this concave surface to make this leg solid?
Many thx in advance!
Considering the point at which you show the leg, you could stitch in the surface by drawing horizontal lines between the vertices on the arcs. After you get the faces in, you can select those edges and Soften/Smooth them so they don't show.
A better way to make the leg from the git-go is to draw a profile of the arc as a face that you can push through the corner of the leg at 45° and then use Intersect followed by deleting the waste. Example coming up.
A third way would be to use one of several different plugins to skin the face. However I think knowing how to deal with something like this manually is a good idea.
See the screen shot.
From Left:
Leg blank.
Curved profile drawn at 45°
Curved profile pushed through leg.
After Intersect operation, waste is deleted.
Face orientation corrected on curved surface.This same process can come in handy for more complex edge profiles such as lamb's tongues and other stop chamfers.
Ah...much better. Thx!
You're welcome. Now just reverse the blue face so you have front faces out.
SU8 pro has solid tools created for just this task.
True, true. And then you don't need to worry about fixing face orientation.