Some odd UV coordinates
Hey guys,
im trying to read UV coordinates generated by the ThomThom plugin via the Ruby API PolygonMesh uv's. The numbers coming out of it are huge and when use the TextureWriter to output the texture the texture looks stretched. Im pretty sure Im missing something..maybe another texture mode?
Got a sample model?
Screenshots? -
I've been away - traveling. Home for a couple of days. Not been able to catch up with all the messages yet...
@thomthom said:
I've been away - traveling. Home for a couple of days. Not been able to catch up with all the messages yet...
the problem seems to be related to the textureWriter and the u/vs. Im using the textureWriter to write out my textures.. and in this failing case, it's writing out a skewed texture and I must use the UV helper bound to that textureWriter to get the proper UVs rather than get it from the polyMesh. This method however messes up other UVs in the scene.
is it possible to have the TextureWriter output a nonskewed texture and I can get the UVs directly from the PolyMesh..rather than the UVHelper..that would make things much more simpler.
What are the UV coordinates you're getting that's so huge?
I'm not sure if I've understood the issue. Is it with distorted textures?