[Plugin] TextureTools
here is the screen shots ...
... I have run commands from the "menu" section of plugins code ( cmd1=UI::Command.new("TextureRotate"){TextureTools::Rotate.new()} ) ...
I have copied and pasted commands ... -
Why are you pasting commands ?
These are not complete??
is all you need... BUT why ?Have you edited the script at all?
Using a program to 'read' the file [+ a 'save'] other than a plain-text editor [like Notepad.exe] will corrupt the contents.
Or have you downloaded it is a strange way?
The file appears to be corrupted and the commands are not correctly formed.
try downloaded a pristine copy again...
This screenshot shows what the lines should look like.What happens when you use the toolbar buttons ???
TIG ... I haven't edited plugin ... I'm running original files ... but I opened file with notepad++ because i didn't now the commands to load this plug by counsel .. so I copied that part .. and told you what I have done ...
but .. there is problem ... probably by other plugins with bad programing skills ... maybe in RBS files ...I know my ruby files are good enough ( no sketchup.rb from CADFather toolbars .. a purged plugin folder .. updated scripts , etc ... )
sketchup can't compile TextureTools in these situations ...
and I now that's not an installation mistake ... It works well under isolated situations ... -
If you are absolutely sure that the tool's file is OK then test it by moving all other .rb files out of your Plugins folder temporarily and restarting.
If it now works you know another 'now-not-loaded' script is causing the problem.
Now move half of the .rb files back into the Plugins folder.
Restart and retest.Again if it now works you know another 'now-not-loaded' script is causing the problem.
therefore keep repeating the process until it fails...When it fails you know you have just reintroduced the problem .rb file.
Move half out and retest... back and forth etc until you find the problem file.
Let us know the problem file !As I said... I can't see how a flaky script might affect this tool...
ok ... I will do it now ... wait about an hour plz /// ...
hi .. TIG ... I have done the JOB and it still failed to compile .. I did it agane plus anything else I knew ,I re download it, re installed it and repaired SU using it's installer to update default .rb files .. , etc
but this plugin still doesn't works for me .. when I use "arrow keys" commands the dialog box is OK and the OK button is OK .. but no more ..
It didn't do its job even in a isolated plugin folder that includes only this plugin and TIG tools .... i'm surprised wht this happens .. but it's happens ..
I have uploaded MY folders whit current situations : this tool in plugin folder and only default files in tools folder ...
i have updated my SU to 8 M3 some days ago .. and there is a question : have you tested this in SU8 M3 ? .... . . . . something is still wrong
Of course I have tested it with v8M3 [probably some months before you
I even just retested it to make sure I wasn't going mad
Your cut down file-sets look fine to me - incidentally you Tools folder ought to have two other .rb files by default 'dynamiccomponnents' and 'sandboxtools'... I assume you had excluded those too...When you run my tools what happens exactly ?
Do you get error messages in the Ruby Console ?
Do you get dialogs to open ?
Does ANYTHING happen ?
Are there 'crashes' etc ??
When you select a face with a material on its front that has a texture what happens.Are you 100% sure that what you are looking at is the face's front.
Backs are NOT adjustable.
This could be your issue... but without the SKP, who knows ??
View in Monochrome mode with a distinctive color for the back-face material [e.g. bright-blue] and check that you are not adjusting the unseen rear, which is in fact what should be the 'front'.
If you have messed up there are tools like my 'FixReverseFaceMaterials' which flip over faces and materials so that the texture is then on the front AND the front is facing where the back used to be...If all else fails post or PM the SKP [zipped] and explain what is is you are trying to do...
oh .... yes TIG .... it was back face ... the blue ... he he ... I didn't know that .. I thought your tools works on every face sides .. and by default I drew a revered face - the back side !! the rectangle tool creates back sided face ...
I did everything I knew to fix it ... !! ... he he .. I completely copy and pasted all my ruby files .. and cleaned up all my plugins ... I rearranged and relocated all my toolbars several times ..
and all of them was useless tasks .. everything was OK ... !! ... he he ...
thanks TIG .. I was so stupid
We have the answer - PEBCAC.***The tip is, "Make sure you model your faces the right way round!"
It's ymportant when adjusting textures and also when exporting you model to most 3rd party renderers, which will usually ignore materials on back-faces and dutifully render the unseen front-faces***Problem Exists Between Chair And Computer - i.r. YOU
I didn't see anyone else having this problem, but I'm not getting the toolbar following install. The plugin does show in the plugin drop down menu. I did already have a TIGtools folder and extracted the contents of the TIGtools folder included in the download to that location. This is certainly a user error, any ideas
chrisa -
If you get the menu items working, then it is loading OK.
So first a simple question...
Have you activated the Toolbar from Views > Toolbars ?
By default it's inactive after the initial installation...
Even if you had misplaced the toolbar-buttons' png files the activated toolbar would still exist, but with blank buttons ?? -
@tig said:
If you get the menu items working, then it is loading OK.
So first a simple question...
Have you activated the Toolbar from Views > Toolbars ?
By default it's inactive after the initial installation...
Even if you had misplaced the toolbar-buttons' png files the activated toolbar would still exist, but with blank buttons ??Yep, like I guessed, user error. I didn't see that it was off by default in the tools menu. I was a bit hasty in asking, thank you for getting back to me so quickly
awesome thanks
thanks man,,very helpful,,
good evening
I try to use your pluggin to change the size of a tiling texture, but each time the texture turns along the dimension changesthank you in advance
@marco62118 said:
good evening
I try to use your pluggin to change the size of a tiling texture, but each time the texture turns along the dimension changesthank you in advance
You need to use the scale and then the position tool together...
You haven't explained very clearly what it is you want to do and what it's doing -
good evening
ย I do not understand the plugin does not respond
dialog boxes are displayed correctly, but nothing happensCan you help me?
the plugin only works on front faces (not sure why) - so, check that your texture is painted facing front and then try again. perhaps TIG can make it work on back face as well in the future.
These tools only works on front-faces... because that's where textured-material ought to be applied.
Applying a material onto a back-face is just bad practice.
Back-faces should never be visible.
Modeling with reversed faces can lead to many problems when pushpulling, applying cutting components etc, and when the SKP is exported, used in many rendering applications etc, etc...The native context-menu Texture tool will adjust front/back-face textures, depending on which side of the face you are seeing... use that if you insist on sloppy modeling.
BUT I deliberately discourage the application of materials on back-faces.
So these tools will only ever adjust textured-materials applied onto front-faces.Use Monochrome mode, with a contrasting back-face default-material in the Style, to check that you are not modeling 'inside out'
The context-menu items Reverse and Orient are useful to fix reversed faces as you model - shortcut keys is highly recommended. Also use Monochrome as you model to check the correctness of the faces' orientation. Only start applying materials and texturing once the geometry is pretty much resolved... -
yes, i understand, though i guess that's only if you are using a rendering package, if you use SU for render, than back faces are just as good - and of course when you paint both you don't get those pesky flickering edges.