Empty Triangles
If the geometry is small (lines less than ~1mm), SU has trouble making faces. Try scaling up by 10 or 100X while making the geometry, then scaling back down when finished.
Thanks for that will try - though now I am not 100% sure the triangles are missing. I had a material set too 95% opacity. When I set it to 100% the triangles go away. Will take scale and check as you suggest.
Maybe there are overlapping faces then...if you post the file I'll take a look.
As I copied the candle by itself into a new file I found the problem. I had tested a translucent material before this. Somehow some faces seemed to retain this material. I noticed that there were two materials in the wax candle even though should only have been one. When I deleted it gave me the "Materal is in use - Are you sure?" message and deleting it removed those phantom triangles.
Thanks for pushing me in the right direction.
yeah, the faces are there.. it's the material transparency that's causing the problem (well, actually it's a setting in your styles that's causing the problem)
(the following instructions are for macs so the paths may not be exact)
go window->styles ->click on the edit button -> face settings button ..
in the transparency quality drop down, select nicer instead of faster.
Thanks very much!