Osama bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad Pakistan
Technology provides for the first civilian tweet of American attack on Osama bin Laden's hideout seven hours before the President's announcement and press briefing .
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Does anyone remember Bin Laden's exact words after the twin trade towers were bombed?
Has Bush Jr just had a curry with maximum onions?
That's a wrong location!
check this:
I wonder if OBL is surprised to find out there aren't 73 virgins to attend to him . . .in hell.
I wasn't sad to hear him dead. Looking at the jubilating crowd made me.
I am taking all this with a grain of salt until its proven! From what I understand he was shot in the eye while using one of his wives as a shield! Its claimed that this particular wife was also shot dead!
Due to the rubbish claims, it now appears the US authorities are debating whether or not to show pictures of OBL's corpse on 'taste grounds'! When I heard he was 'buried at sea' I had to laugh!
It looks like the US Navy Seals had him cornered! Why the hell wasn't he captured and put on trial in a civilized manner under UN jurisdiction as there are a lot of questions to be answered or at least asked!
As I said, it looks like a load of old cobblers and possibly a PR stunt by OB?
I believe it, however I'm confused at the American people, gathering at white house, ground zero, every capital, George Bushes house, etc chanting "USA, USA" from what I'm seeing one would conclude we won a war (USA has never won a war on their own ever), destroyed Al queda, or something like that.
Killing OBL means nothing really, the war continues if not escalates now. I just do not understand the dizzy jubilation.
I think killing OBL is justified. America should go after the leaders of BP, and those who made money by creating the financial instruments that resulted in the current financial crises.
Sadly there are a long line of equally bad people lined up behind him, Bin Laden being killed solves nothing beyond salving in some small measure the pain felt by the families of thousands of victims of September 11. The extremists now have another martyr. Great.
There is nothing to celebrate in the intentional death of any person, even one as odious as Bin Laden.
Everyone in that compound knew they were in mortal danger by being there. They all could have left and lived long lives rather than stay and be killed.
@unknownuser said:
(USA has never won a war on their own ever)?
perhaps you were asleep in history class... Revolutionary War, Civil War, Spanish American War, Northwest Indian War, Franco-American War
Half-War, War of 1812... I don't have time to list them all. If you'd like to see a entire list of all the wars of the United States, both won and lost, both righteous and unjust you can follow the link... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_StatesIf America has not won any war on it's own then none have in the history of man... nations will as they do meddle in one-another's affairs, but lay life, blood and treasure at the altar of war for the benefit of another country? for freedom alone? not many will do such a thing... if any... such a noble thing as America... but we get your point, you don't like America. because if America was not here then the world would be such a better place... everyone would be free, happy, fed, and safe.
Only one thing runs common in all America's Wars, young men and women gave their lives so that we might sit in freedom and ponder the virtues of the Nation which delivers it.
I congratulate the troops of all the nations who have fought so long and hard to deliver this murderous coward to justice. and I congratulate Obama (a man I did not vote for), for getting the job done.
Revolutionary war was not a clear win; America was split as loyalists, neutralists and patriots, and France came to the rescue.
War of 1812 ended in a treaty…no win.
Civil war…both were American…hello no win when you fight yourself.
Spanish American war, another treaty, however if I was was to split hairs I'd probably give this to you.
Northwest Indian war, serious, white settlers versus Native Americans…hmm...got turkey?
Franco-American war, aka the quasi-war. Undeclared…so not a war.
Half war…huh?
Kris, I also know better than to debate/argue with a patriot/conservative, so let's agree to disagree. You are using the young soldier patriot card now (as effective as a racist card) so no matter what I will seem anti-American if I continue.
I thought that a win comes when the other side "gives up".:) America's best win, and perhaps most brutal, was over Japan in WWII. Best because to our credit, was America's contribution to Japan's recovery.
The crowds, and cheers, disturbing to some, but a very human reaction.
To some people's way of thinking, we lost Afghanistan, because after helping to kick the USSR out, we forgot to aid in Afghanistan's recovery.
From what I read, Bin Laden no longer posed any real threat. From being a military leader to be reckoned with, he'd become a mere symbol. Thus his assassination was simply a pr thing. Violating another states' sovereignity for one's personal gain - ugh.
Obama lost my respect. Big time.
You're missing the point.
So, you would have let Hitler go (if he survived) since we defeated the Germany Army?
Hmmmmmm....Maybe that doesn't make sense. I thought I was liberal.