M.T. "Navena" Diesel Trawler
So Now the Exterior is finnaly finnished with all the smaller details added ( Until I notice something else ). Aft Nav light, Focastle Ladder ( Gangway?) , Bilge Keels , Otterboard Rigging ,Loose ropes tied up on the mast and Life Bouy`s added
So work on her Tiny interior can begin. While doing the Otterboard rig I then realized why the Gallows where different fore and aft, also the reason behind the positioning of the Centre and side Bollards, Only Part that didnt go well was the Most fore Pond board,It had to be cut down abit to allow free running for the lines, Ive noticed that the aft Gallows do not line up with the next pulley in line on its way to the winch,there will be chafing there, I would have addded a Pulley on deck just before the Gallow.
Here the lines can be seen running into the Trawl winch from the Fore and aft Gallows
Here is the Item in Question (Aft Gallows) Notice as that line enters it chafes the steel side structure of the gallows,then goes up into the block and down onto the otterboard
This blows me away. Is this one of those "I am doing this just for fun, practice and hobby models?" or are you doing this for the Smithsonian or something? This stuff is incredible.
Spaceships, Trawlers, Tanks, Battle Cruisers. . .I'm in awe. I still struggle with Photomatch.
Lol Thanks David, Fun, Practice and feeding the ol` modeling addiction
Couldnt resist texturing,the Bridge will have to wait
,So some areas are complete although im not totally sold on som of the white rust textures,will still need to play around there, The Hull texture came out pretty good,I took it about a month or so ago when we where picking up the pilot ,she was empty so she was far out the water,which is perfect for my little boat compared, oh and she was nice and dirty,patched up etc
Here is the ship I took the texture from.
Difficult to find the right words...
This sure is an incredible job... Awesome texturing...!! -
Thanks Frederik
Exterior Texturing complete,some things noted like anchor chain isnt going through the deck...hole needed , The otterboard are textured and sorted, 3500 poly per board before texturing and 500 per board after texturing times by four of them gives me a saving of 12000 polysshe is at 58000 polys right now.
Here is a front and back view of the texture that was rendered using max :
Great model, great work.
Rust never looked so beautiful. Excellent texturing work.
yeah .. . but is she sea-worthy?
I duunno . . . just askin' . .
Man, your Boats are utterly amazing. Have you ever thought of doing warships? A U-boat would be sweet.
Thanks Horseman04, I have thought about it
but thats about it.
Alrighty Exterior is Baked and in game,Interior is complete but Unbaked as im fighting with the sim to get my throttle to animate ( GRRRR ) so until I can figure that out the rest is on hold.The Rudder angle indicator was made using a photo for referance of a fleetwood Trawlers interior, It was then Modeled using 3d text etc, Screenshot take and Texture used on a plane
Here are some Ingame shots, The exterior is now at 48000 Polys :
I did Forget to mention that the Anchor Chain Stopper was also added :
Thanks Modelhead, I have had some issues with faces after deleting some parts of the rails that I thought where flat during the meshing of the 2 sides, spotting this after baking is a pain because the area affected needs to be rebaked etc. Bleh
Well the Bridge is nearing completion, heres a night shot :
Bridge still needs the engine Telegraph handle`s* ,they are modeled but im not getting the to animate for some reason in game
A Dark shot showing the lights and self illuminated textures :
Gorgeous. Just stunning. I'm glad I'm typing because I'd have a hard picking my jaw up from the floor.
hi , New on here, and what I know about computer graphics could be written on a pin head.........but I do know craftsmanship, and your images are just wonderfull.
My friend showed me this site this morning as he is building an R/C model in GRP at 1:32 scale, and as I used to victual these ships in my home port of Fleetwood back in the early 1970's they bring back a great deal of nostalgia for me.
Could I just point out one small disprepancy in your "build" though.
The small hatches on the fore deck were for throwing fish down into a large under deck stoorage room, and were topped with small planks of wood and then covered in a tarpaulin and closed with wooden wedges. They would never have had Mushroom vents on top of them as there was access needed to stow the catch 24/7/365 and also were not sturdy enough to carry vents as you have depicted on hatches 1 and 3. to show these hatches I have included a picture of those similar hatches on a model I made a little while ago
Welcome aboard! You have some great detail to share...and that is great help you offer. I for one would be facinated by your own work...where can it be found?[/quote]
thanks for the comment.i don't have a web site.as i say.totally useless with computer technology.
just post my photos of model builds on the usual model forums.