Script/plugin request
Masters of the ruby universe, I have a challenge for you, I just spent the past few hours trying to draw a suspended ceiling grid. When I got done it looked ok, but when I remembered I had more to do in different sized rooms I just deleted it. I went for the non suspended ceiling look. Here is the challenge, make a script that will make a perfect grid for any tee spacing.
The user could start with a rectangle of the proper room size, say 24'5", by 13' 2", select the face, fire up the script, pick a few options, like, tee width, panel size, and so on. select a corner of the face click go and like magic a grid is drawn,in X and Y with the proper tee width, then grouped. Now ready for whatever size and type panels he/she wants to use.
If such a wonderful script already exists, post a link so we can find it (free or low cost preferred). If this does not exist as yet, is anyone willing to step up to the plate, and take a shot at it? -
Hi tspco -
I have a few thoughts about a suspended ceiling grid.
First, a ruby script could make suspended ceilings quick and easy if it was done right.
Dynamic components could also be used, depending on how refined the tool needed to be (for example, trimming corners on non-square rooms, etc..).
For tasks with that are essentially a series of arrays or copies, I would also suggest levering the basic sketchup tools to do the job manually. I say this without knowing your skill level in this area, but my first impression is that if it's taking you a few hours working on a ceiling grid, you may have an opportunity to improve just by understanding how to exercise the native sketchup tools to create your grid. I would suggest looking at the move tool and array functionality to create copies.
How detailed does your grid need to be? Are you going to do quantity takeoff from your model, or is it just a visual model? If I was doing it, I would setup the way I built the grid based on how I wanted to use the end product.
Thomthom has some tools that can do this for you... try EdgeTools
Well I have a bunch of experience several hours a day over a years time there abouts, my problem is the rooms are large and albeit rectangular they are in odd dimensions, I can fix that, by changing them to multiples of 24". then array the first two 1" wide strips (one on X and one on Y)then if needed for other rooms that are odd sized I can manually draw the odd spaced wall angles "bars". What happened last night when I posted my first message was I used guides 1"-24"-1", and the same with the 48" tees then drew real lines over them, and closed the ends. I had a senior moment and didn't think of using an array technique. So this morning I will try again.