Dimension an Arch
I'm trying to dimension an arch— two parallel curves. I want to show the distance between them. They are in harmony, with the same # of edges and orietntation. The dimension tool either gives me the radius (sometimes necessary but not what I need now) or doesn't attach to a vertex at all.
Any suggestions?
Are they also concentric?
Anyway, does not matter in this case I guess. If you (temporarily) draw a short line connecting the two arches, you can dimension that then delete the line. Best is to group the two arches before so that you do not break them by drawing connecting edges at their endpoints.
If you group or component-ize the arcs and place the dimension from outside that group or component, the dimension tool won't give the radius.
But won't want to snap either - unless at the very ends of the arcs (if that's needed, this way is okay)
They are concentric. They were grouped, which must have been why they didn't snap.
Thanks for the workarounds.