I will start...
Okay so you have a high end restaurant with a strict dress code clearly displayed in your window. A group of World war 2 veterans decide to frequent your establishment but they are clearly in violation of the dress code as they are wearing shorts, hats and jeans that the dress code does not allow, do you overlook your rules because they are veterans?
Well this is an issue that has been on the news in Dallas as a restaurant turned them away, and they made it a huge issue by going to the TV stations to make a scene about it, citing that they were discriminated against as veterans in veteran paraphernalia, and the restaurant being owned by a German (Wolfgang Puck) made the story even more tantalising for the media.
WTF!! why does being a veteran make you an untouchable?
Irish Politics:
Our Prime Minister is paid more than Obama. The government have more time off than school teachers. They're heavily subsidised for any expenses. Pensions are crazy high. They avail of every perk imaginable and create as many as possible. They lie, steal and cheat on a daily basis. They accept no responsibility. They're ignorant to 80% of the country. They constantly harass blue collar workers and small business. They've devalued my home, over-taxed me, ruined my health service, endangered our economy and continue to stress our society's backbone.
Ireland is green fir a reason....envy!
Any elected official in the US making more than the president of the US. Any civil servant, and that includes police and fire departments, making outrageous 6 figure salaries is ridiculous. I understand they're in harm's way, but massive salaries and pensions across the board for government employees are killing budgets and inflating deficits that no politician wants to stand up to. I notice more and more fees come out of my pocket for things that I never used to have to pay for at any government level and yet there are fewer and fewer people available to assist you when you need to do something. Been to a department of motor vehicles lately?
I hate it when a political candidate, or their party obviously distorts the truth, their opponent's image, and character. I hate it more when the other side retaliates. I have given up party affiliation because of this, and may not vote some offices in the comming election.
The millions of dollars spent on negative campaigning essentially disenfranchises the voters by giving them little opportunity to make a decision based on substance, and ability.
@honoluludesktop said:
I hate it when a political candidate, or their party obviously distorts the truth, their opponent's image, and character. I hate it more when the other side retaliates. I have given up party affiliation because of this, and may not vote some offices in the comming election.
The millions of dollars spent on negative campaigning essentially disenfranchises the voters by giving them little opportunity to make a decision based on substance, and ability.
Likes this...
@unknownuser said:
Irish Politics:
Our Prime Minister is paid more than Obama. The government have more time off than school teachers. They're heavily subsidised for any expenses. Pensions are crazy high. They avail of every perk imaginable and create as many as possible. They lie, steal and cheat on a daily basis. They accept no responsibility. They're ignorant to 80% of the country. They constantly harass blue collar workers and small business. They've devalued my home, over-taxed me, ruined my health service, endangered our economy and continue to stress our society's backbone.
Ireland is green fir a reason....envy!
Are sure you are not from Limerick, PA. It is of some comfort to know you are not in the sinking vessel alone.
I'm American and I have way two many rants to mention but I guess I will voice my two cents on just one. I think every elected official should be paid the exact same no matter what their position is. I would even go as far to say that the president shouldn't get paid at all! Just one humble unemployed American's opinion.
@unknownuser said:
I'm American and I have way two many rants to mention but I guess I will voice my two cents on just one. I think every elected official should be paid the exact same no matter what their position is. I would even go as far to say that the president shouldn't get paid at all! Just one humble unemployed Americans opinion.
I dunno mate, they are human as you and I (well there are some in office I have doubts about) and we are motivated by $$, so paying them all the same wage will firstly not motivate them to do anything beyond the bare minimum (an argument there already) as well as cause all sorts of hierarchical issues, not to mention the 'mccarthyists' amongst us that will scream foul.
I am however sympathetic to your current status and hope you the best in a speedy employment.
Municipal Town Planners, Department of Main Roads, Councilors.... please don't get me started, Pete.
And the same beef as i had a while back...
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=179&t=27228&hilit=got+beef -
my macbook just broke again, so ive had a new logic board, motherboard, 2 screens, case, keyboard, battery, power supplies, HD but no it decided to go tits up again! Dont get me wrong apple stuff is great but when it breaks it really breaks argghh
this time my battery blew and he whole macbook basically needs replacing including the entire machined aluminum case (both halves!), screen, keyboard, trackpad, battery, RAM, HD among other things.They let me keep the exploded battery however that was nice of them, although it made me loose out on a very well paid freelance job I just got and now haven't arghh!
The battery got so hot the metal is actually warped and not the thin casing but the actual milled aluminum that makes up the bottom of the mac book! ill try and get some better photos this was done in a flimsy webcam. Apparently this is not even uncommon the guy in the genius bar didnt even second glance me or look suprised and examine the battery/laptop! -
F@#%ing code officials and their assinine interpretations that make no sense!
(since we're in an election cycle) Candidtates who attack their opponents. I want to know why I should vote for you, not why i shouldn't vote for the other candidate.
People who bitch about how awful things are, but have no civic responsibility.
@unknownuser said:
this time my battery blew and he whole macbook basically needs replacing
So you got a new battery or a new computer?
I was going to say (yesterday) here is some of my experiences with Apple. My G4 Mac Powerbook started getting streaks down the screen. I took it in and they sent it off to the factory and then gave me a new intel Mac because they didn't have those screens anymore. Free. but maybe I had Applecare. Then a couple years later the battery started going bad on the Intel machine. They just gave me a new battery (not on Applecare) because it was a "safety issue". In general to fix something they say they can fix anything for under $300. I just take it into one store. Mostly nice service though they aren't all "geniuses" at the "genius bar" IMO. So far so good.
Now after I poured beer on my laptop, the stupid thing is having trouble with some keys. This is good beer too. I take it in they say we'll order a keyboard and put it in here in the store for $151. But after I bring it in again and leave it they call and say "new policy", it must go to the factory for 4 days to two weeks and $300, maybe. I can't give it up that long. So two useless trips to the next town and back later, I'm back to square one.
The moral is it all evens out. As the Tao says, sometimes things are ahead, sometimes they are behind.
Profiteers & Politicians!
Here in PA we have the politicians fighting over if and how much to tax the natural gas industry and their newfound wealth in the Marcellus Shale http://www.marcellus-shale.us/
While the politicians argue back and forth debating what tax rate if any would be fair - the gas companies are ruining the environment of our state by polluting our ground water resources and poisoning the surface sites and any being living in the vicinity of the wells.
In these desperate financial times - the companies pray on landowners with the promise of profit if they sign over their rights. When that doesn't work they use eminent domain to try and claim property from holdouts for drill sites / pipeline right of ways, and storage facilities. Meanwhile the government is still studying the process to determine it's safety and any impact it may have on the environment.
Pure profiteering on all sides!
Where should I start...
OOOh I know ....
1.I am from Greece and you all know what is going on the last year( but as far as we know the last 12 years) in this country.Some say there is something wrong about this country, but we all know the opposite:there is nothing right!!!
2.Jobs are getting worse by the second... we are far from "hour by the hour". Everyone is doing everything and noone anywhere to set any kind of limits.
3.Noone wants to pay what others performed as a service to them cause they say, they were obligated to do so, for example, although a friend of mine is a designer, he happens to know about setting up a site, so some political chic, that runs for mayors advisor (yes you read it correctly), put online a site for her after she told him to so and agreed to pay him 150 euros.Now she says "He was obligated cause I am running for the people, not for me and everyone will bennefit by me!!!". And wanna hear omething crazy? She believes it!!!
4.People my age and younger are getting away from Greece cause they dont see a future anymore here!
..........................Oh well you get the picture... as might as well stop now cause nothing changes and I may get you bored!!!!
@unknownuser said:
Could it be caused by all the shouting?
(referring to use of caps)
No. I have a very quiet life. Just frustrated - went to the doctor this morning and still unsure of the cause - he started me on steroids today and they are affecting me, too.
As soon as the VOLS start winning again your headaches will subside.
Oh, and as far as rants go; I can't stand monkeys. Hate em.
@unknownuser said:
As soon as the VOLS start winning again your headaches will subside.
Oh, and as far as rants go; I can't stand monkeys. Hate em.
LOL...I could care less about the VOLS football...(but don't tell anyone - that's tantamount to blasphemy around here)
Just read in the paper today that, while the British government is making cuts all around, Vodafone needn't pay a Β£6 billion tax debt.
If this is indeed true, then why the hell aren't there people being fired for gross misconduct?