Sketchup 8
help required attemted to load plugins i use in skp7 to skp 8 without success, carried out the method that worked in skp7 no joy,also loaded the solids plugin but it does not respond to any selections.
When plugins copied across from skp 7 to 8 plugin label for drop down selection menu does not appear on banner any ideas? thanks in advance bbbb -
What is "the method" that you used? All you should have to do is copy everything from your plugins folder in 7 over to your plugins folder in 8. Then you might need to go to the Preferences Dialog window, and go to "Extensions" and turn on all extensions in there. That should do the trick.
Good morning Chris,thanks for the speedy reply, the method i attempted was a sample of the plugin folders coppied from 7 and pasted to 8 plugin, then as you suggested window >>>preferences >>>extensions however the plugin items did not appear in the tick boxes for enabing !! any ideas? thanks for your help.bbbb
You're on Vista - that can also make things a little tricky. Go to the SU7 Plugins folder. Look for a button near the top of the folder browser window that says "Compatibilty Files" or something similar. Click that if its there. That will take you to another folder that might be full of plugins. Copy all of those also over to the SU8 plugins folder. See if that helps.
Have you noticed ANY plugins copy over? Is there just a single specific plugin that is not copying? What plugins do you have installed that are not copying. I bet there are some that might need more than just copy and pasting like this -specifically some of the rendering woftware plugins might just need to be reinstalled. Let us know how it goes,
Hello Chris, I should have updated my profle I now use windows 7,i had another go I deleted the first set of plugins from SU8 and then coppied all the plugins from SU7 and pasted the plugins across to SU8 at launch of SU8 there were numerous load errors, should I uninstall SU8 and start again? regards bbbb.
What you have to realise is that each plugin is its own separate beast. So if you have 40 plugins, and "numerous" load errors - is that only 5 load errors? 5 out of 40 is not good, but its also not the end of the world. Now if you only have 10 installed and you get 10 errors, then thats no good. But all in all, you probably have to troubleshoot each plugin.
One thing you might try is to re-download the plugins. If you have not redownloaded lately, there is a good chance some of them have been updated - some with fixes for version 8.
I will say this is probably not an SU8 problem - meaning reinstalling 8 probably won't help at all. It is more likely a plugins problem and the best way to fix it is to update plugins. You could also copy and paste all the error message here to this thread and we can look at each one and see what the error is. That might be a really goo dplace to start.
PS - just to make sure, but when you copy and paste the contens of the plugins folder from 7, you are inclkuding all the subfolders in it as well, right??
Hello Chris, thank you for your help and i apologise for takng up so much of your time, as you kindly suggested I revisited the problem and decided to transfer the plugins in chuncks until the load errors appeared and narrowed it down to a problen in plugin point.rb when this was removed things appeared to be ok,but I cant seem to get the solids for SU8 free to work the icons are there but nothing happens on selection, any thoughts apart from me being a pest, I would love to get this really useful plugin to work thanks again bbbb
With the exception of the Outer Shell tool, the Solids Tools are available only in SketchUp Pro.
Yup, and they only work on "solid" groups or components. You can right click on a component and choose "Entity Info" to check if the component is considered a true solid. If it is a solid, it will say solid in the Entity Info.
Chris back again I must be sure to give you the correct info the solids I was referring to was the OSCoolean plugin that is supposed to work with the SU8 free version, sorry about that. bbbb