Thumbnail Extractor
Does anyone have already a solution to make a thumbnail gallery (or contact sheet) from a hierarchy of folders full of .skp's?
There exists a ruby that can extract the png thumbnails (128px) from a full folder of SketchUp files. It works great! as far as I know, you need to have ruby installed and use it on the command line (windows -> run -> 'cmd' [enter]). Unfortunately I can't explain you how to install ruby on Windows, maybe someone of the Ruby Gurus can help you, or have a look here: -
oh the irony!
Oh, sorry! I really didn't see that. But I like this ruby
Which file should be downloaded from that site, Jim. And where does your rb file go?
Naw, installing the full ruby language for this is over-kill. If you want to wait a little I can write it out the dependency. If you don't mind installing Ruby, choose the most recent stable version, which is 1.9.2 I think.
The file goes in the folder where you want to create the thumnbnail "images" directory. It runs from the folder it is in, an ddigs into sub-folders.
I can wait. Thanks.
This is a command-line thumbnail extractor for .skp files.
Place the executable (either the .exe or the .rb) file in your model folder where you want the thumbnails to be created. When executed, it creates a "thumbnails" folder, then goes through the current folder, and all sub-folders extracting the thumbnail images from all the .skp files. The thumbs are named the same as the .skp file. Duplicate thumbnail names are over-written.
The .zip contains the Ruby source for those who have Ruby installed - it should work on both Windows and Macs if you have Ruby installed. For Windows-users without Ruby installed, there is a .exe.
Pressing Control-c will stop it.
Let me know how it goes...
See next posts for download.
The EXE ran perfectly. Thank you Jim. That is cool.
Oh good!
@unknownuser said:
way to make these thumbnails as the actual .skp thumbnails
Well, that's what I was trying to indicate in that thread. It is possible, it already gives great thumbnails on Gnome .
**here briefly how it technically looks like:
- A script that accepts to arguments, the path of the skp and the path of the resulting png (I chose python because it was preinstalled)
- I added two keys to the Gnome registry to tell Gnome where to find a thumbnailer for the MIME type of SketchUp:
gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-wine-extension-skp/enable --type=bool true gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-wine-extension-skp/command --type=string "python /usr/bin/ %i %o" ```** And if someone knows how to do it on a Mac or if there is an analogous way, that would be awesome (I don't have one).
well, there's an app called graphic converter on mac: can act as a browser and will show skps with their png thumbnail.. it's just that most mac users would probably rather use finder to browse their computer instead of a third party app (finder is fully integrated etc where-as the 3rd party app is not)
i'm now wondering if graphic converter can do what i'm asking for here (convert all generic skp thumbs to actual png thumbs which are still visible via finder.. i'll try it out in a bit)
--for some reason, i feel like i did just that a few years ago but i forgot about it or something
[edit- ok, it works.. i can convert all of my generic skp icons to preview icons using graphic converter.. i can even edit the thumbs if i choose (ie- add type or color changes etc... i'll stay out of this thread with this stuff though and move back to the mac one]
yeah, it works on mac.
i put the .rb in my user folder then..
in terminal, i typed (the big red letters -->Jeff-Hammonds-MacBook-Pro:~ jeff$ ruby /users/jeff/extract_png_r.rb
"./Library/Mail Downloads/DC_SPoT_working_JH.skp"
"./Library/Mail Downloads/DC_spot_lowboy.skp"
"./Library/Mail/Mac-jeffhammond/Sent Messages.imapmbox/Attachments/7756/1/kona6.skp"
"./Library/Mail/Mac-jeffhammond/Sent Messages.imapmbox/Attachments/7640/1/AutoSave_DC_SPOT_JH_FINAL.skp"
"./Library/Mail/Mac-jeffhammond/Sent Messages.imapmbox/Attachments/7591/2/DC_SPOT_JH_FINAL.skp"
"./Library/Mail/Mac-jeffhammond/Sent Messages.imapmbox/Attachments/7591/1/DC_SPoT_working_JH.skp" went on to extract every skp png in my user acct.. glad i did this on a newer computer with only a few sketchup files because it went through everything.. even email attachments which i wasn't expecting but it made sense.. still, it was very quick..
now to find an good way to make these thumbnails as the actual .skp thumbnails without assigning them all manually
@unknownuser said:
make a thumbnail gallery (or contact sheet)
XnView can do that: